Riff Randell

Joey Ramone goes without saying. I love to watch him eating pizza …

Agh, Joe Strummer. Is there a process by which we could actually make him a saint or something? Can one of the staffers issue an edict? The incredible depth and energy of his work is frikkin inspiring. (Besides, that way if his face shows up in my peanut butter or something I can charge you suckers cash to come see

The Dark Knight Appreciation Thread
starts here. Fanboy/girl gushing acceptable - nay, expected. Haters will die in a garage full of flaming dollar bills.

Deep breaths, buddy. It's still there … for now.

I had my first kiss while listening to "Two-Headed Boy" … I'd love to relive that moment, if only because it wasn't the greatest kiss (turns out it's a skill you have to practice. I got better!). But that would probably spoil all the awkward sweet two-headedness of it all, so never mind.

aaawwwwwwwwham bam THANK you ma'am!

Oh, and I meant to say, hey y'all, thanks for sticking up for me. Frakking trolls, am I right? (Also, yet again, you severely overestimate my pool abilities. I barely have enough hand-eye coordination to drive a car, let alone handle the stick thingie

Dorothy Parker
I wish I could discover The Portable Dorothy Parker for the first time. And I wish that I'd been older than a naive 8th-grader when I had. Though I did feel very sophisticated, walking around with her suicidal musings in my Land's End backpack.

And I feel like I really have to vet a person before I try to introduce him/her to Arrested. Like, is this going to be worth my time? Because, to paraphrase: Arrested fans aren't made, they're born. I think right now in Africa there's some guy madly beating on a drum. He's an Arrested fan. Or an old lady sitting on

In my haters' defense, I did kick every one of their dogs today. Because that's what I do, I just walk around, blithely kicking and posting wherever I go, and everyone gives me a free pass because I have two X chromosomes, am not facially deformed, and wear glasses due to mild myopia. It's always sunny here in Riff's

No, I completely agree - and I still use AD as a sort of litmus test for friendship and dating. Because you might get along with me and my friends if you don't know Arrested, but you sure will be confused when we all start doing the chicken taunts or my roommate tells me that my belt should buckle, not the chair. A

"The Dark Knight"
gets less thrilling upon every rewatch. I saw it at a midnight showing last summer, and something about the night and the crowd and the company all converged to create the absolute perfect atmosphere. I was truly and genuinely shaken up, and it was fantastic. I still remember how pleasurably shocked

Oh, me too! Except for me it was the line "And you know what they said? Well some of it was true!" And then I was like, holy crap, this hoarse whisper-shouting Strummer guy must be some kind of god. And I was right.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I was about 11, and I was at my "cool aunt's" apartment with my brother and cousin, and she put it on without my parents' permission because she was the kind of cool aunt that does vaguely illicit but harmless things. Anyway, the part towards the end with the random, brightly colored

I hear you on Arrested Development. I experienced it in almost the same way. But that's a show with so much rewatch value that it's not too much of a loss not to experience it again.

RIP Battlestar Galactica
I wish I could watch it again for the first time. It's really just not the same for me on rewatch.

No lie, I had a friend in high school dress up as Princess Leia by bobby-pinning her hair around two bagels. It was awesome.

I know a guy who's tough but sweet!


I love Saddest Music in the World, and even I with my massive Mark McKinney crush have to admit she was the best thing about it. Sadness is just happiness turned on its ass!