Riff Randell

It's cool, Hayley, we're all only human. Except for Isabella Rossellini, who is an alien space princess from the planet of awesome.

Face paint and neck-crushingly elaborate headdresses for prepubescent, democratically elected space queens.

The more you tighten your grip, Zonker, the more delicious milkshake will slip through your fingers.

Relax, 'burbs. I'll be out of your hair in a year or so, and then you'll realize how much you miss me. Especially when you see how I'm pretty much keeping you in the black with parking ticket revenue and late-night Steak and Shake trips.

the SARLACC. Someone in here smells of nerd fail.

One of my favorite 30 Rock throwaway lines
Liz to Kenneth: "I will cut you open like a tauntaun!"

I vote for "clam dip." Somebody give Zonker a hand.

Nah, I think David Cross will always be the best actor for that Ginsberg.

Whatever it is, it's so shiny … I can't stop looking at it. And it's making me queasy.

Ahora con mas semen del toro!

The actual post didn't make me want to hurl, but that picture on the cover of the cookbook? WHAT IS THAT, seriously, because I'm going to blorch all over my shoes if it's up there for much longer.

Or a lawsuit. For which we all would probably be subpoenaed. I'll ready my Princess Leia costume.

So here's an IRL story for you: my parents actually considered naming me Xela. Pronounced "Shay-la." The point of the story is, wouldn't that have sucked?

Uglying himself up, uh, hell no. Check this out:

His real name is Tracy.

I would be too, if I had a dick, which I don't, and I'm okay with that. (THE POINT HERE IS THAT OBSERVE AND REPORT IS GOING TO BE FUNNY, AND I AM CONCURRING WITH OTP. just some clarification.)

two words: ancient Babylonia.

And it's awesome in a lot of ways. Even I, a simpleton who all but keeps her money in her mattress, was intrigued. Them's good journalism!

I can't be the only one here who would pay money to see a George Washington puppet musical in Esperanto. You know, as long as there were subtitles or something.

What, you don't think Georgia Rule is the proper vehicle for his talents?