Riff Randell

They deserve it if they're making you eat oatmeal pudding. I assume some well-placed spoo could only improve that stuff.

RUFF, eh? Just how your mother likes it, Trebek!

Holy crap! If you did a Lovitz Random Roles I would print out a copy and tape it on the wall in my room. That's how awesome it would be.

Just to clarify, I wasn't being snarky. I think it's cool that he remembered the Roseanne Betamaxes from so very long ago.

See that look on his face?
That look says "holy jeez, three pages of interview and the only thing the commenters can come up with is Princess Bride quotes."

Heh heh heh
"I tested your mother's joystick skills last night, Trebek. Heh heh heh."

Don't ask that question, because then someone will reply saying he doesn't, and then all our fun will be ruined.

Congratulations, Prison Wine! You win tonight's AVC Commenters Obscure Inside Joke Award! How does it feel?

The ones on wedding shows, jewelry and yogurt are my personal favorites. And chocolate. And oh, romantic comedies. And all of them, uh, pretty much. She deserves a bigger profile.

Spatula City! Spatula City! Spatula City!

She was awesome in All the Real Girls

Psh, you just have to pay more attention to Al Gore's channel:

Boise is okay. Better than the crappy overgrown subdivision I grew up in, down amidst the Southeastern sagebrush. Still, I'd advise getting out of there asap. At least get yourself to Oregon or something.

I'm hungry
I only listen to artists who have Ben and Jerry's flavors named after them. Pretty much it's this guy, Jerry Garcia, Phish, Stephen Colbert, and [New York] Super[Fudge]chunk.

Did you not get the email about the Hip Idaho Kids Diaspora? Or are you and the other holdouts still stuck in a dive bar in Moscow?

Or, come to think of it, Mary Tyler Moore and Alan Moore. Either one.

ew, Darth. FUCK no. I don't even own any leggings, so there.

Yeah, she's way too talented for roles like this. Besides, what better way to distance yourself from Katy Perry comparisons than take fun-hating dour roles?

Yeah, I pretty much just got reacquainted with my morning pop-tarts.

what phel said.