Riff Randell

Gold's real heavy, huh?

Yeah, Phantombread, but Separation Sunday is the one that benefits most from a start-to-finish listen. It's the most cohesive narrative. (It's also my favorite. Except for all the other ones. Okay. They're all my favorite. I'm really into hardcore.)

poop dick - I'll second the Modern Lovers love. Jonathan Richman can pretty much do no wrong in my eyes.

Look, I grew up in Idaho. I'm just saying, I know boring and lifeless when I see it.

The one Who album I have to listen to all the way through is Live at Leeds. It's also, not coincidentally, my favorite Who album ever. What a fantastic piece of music - so much ENERGY. It makes me wish I'd been born in time to see them at their best.

We could borrow Prison Wine's unmarked white van. It's got excellent mileage - you just have to get past all the, you know, stains.

It's a little much, but
69 Love Songs. Because after awhile you realize it's not an album about love, it's an album about love SONGS, and then your head explodes.

I'll listen to a new album all the way through once or twice. Then standout tracks make it onto playlists and the rest I discover through shuffle. If an album is completely classic blows-my-mind great then I'll listen to it over and over for a month or so, just letting it permanently imprint on my mind grapes. Then I

How have we not had a Neutral Milk Hotel worship thread yet? I'm fixing this. In the Aeroplane Over the Sea is a fine album. It makes me want to sob. In a good way.

If we're talking Kinks here we might as well admit that Face to Face, Something Else and Village Green work best as a trilogy, all in a row. A kind of British-ly depressing trilogy, but a lovely one.

I will fight anyone who disses Wish You Were Here. Fight them. With my FISTS.

Yes, and speaking of Weezer, Pinkerton works much better when you listen to it all the way through.

Yeah, I actually quite liked the movie. The Tommy movie is fun for the cheese factor and the weird-for-weirdness'-sake factor (it's my go-to sick day movie, because it's super fun when you're on Nyquil), but the Quadrophenia movie really has some heart. Teen Angst, guys!!!!

Bogart, you drove through Nebraska recently too? You should have called me. We could have made it an AV Clubber Road Trip - you know, fighting over the CD player, hitting on unsuspecting glasses girls at gas stations and yelling "FIRST" when you cross a state line.

Oh yes! I love The Who Sell Out as well. I always get the little jingles stuck in my head. Coke after Coke after Coke after Coca-Cola Coke after Coke after Coke after COca COLA!

oooh, I have to give props to "Separation Sunday."

*gets off Karatloz's lawn*

Oh, and
HOT DAMN is Quadrophenia ever an awesome album.

Having just driven across all of Nebraska I can say that
"a world full of stunted lives, missed opportunities, and endless, aching regret" seems to sum it up pretty well.

I seem to recall hearing Kenneth call it "hill people milk."