Riff Randell

Amen to that. I re-tweeted his BREAKING BAD BITCH rant all over the place.

puppies with HATS.

Oh, Oh the Possibilities. Little do you know that wherever there are nachos, I am there in spirit. (um also, nachos AND Hawaii? How is that not total inoculation against heartache?)

Yeah, and he'd be right. I want to hear it from him, though. I want to RECOGNIZE

so what we all REALLY want to know is
Where's ZMF's take on all this?

My inner high school snob would have kicked me halfway across the football field for liking Weezer's Green album as much as I do. And I don't even like it all that much these days anyway.

oh do not even get me STARTED on "Get Lonely." Mainly the title track, because it captures perfectly the moments where you're pretty much over it (whatever "it" is) and then all of a sudden the sadness just hits you out of nowhere. Gaah.

Yeah, I'm sure there will come a point in my life when Live at the Beachcomber doesn't make me want to curl up in the fetal position, and I'm sure the definition of heartbreak changes with age. To answer your question, I was in my early 20's - which I still am. This was all fairly recent, in case you couldn't tell

Not that this is Queen for a Day or anything but I was most touched by Zack's story. I think it was the line "Everything's perfect. I'm a real live boy." Heartbreaking.

Nice, Penguin! I hear that when the rainbows make impact, they turn into M&Ms!

Hey, me too, actually. I have a very distinct memory of bursting into tears one morning in July during "Hate It Here." Which isn't as dramatic as it sounds, since I'm a big stupid baby who cries at everything no matter its emotional trauma factor, but still.

dammit. Someone tell me I'm not going to be the only one to massively overshare.

What about kitties? And babies dressed as flowers?

and in the very last episode, Michael will wake up, and it will allll have been a dream …

motherfucking Colin Meloy, guys
So breakups suck, yes, pretty much universally. They suck when both parties hate each other, they suck when one is in love and the other isn't, yes, of course, we all know this. But when you both still really care about each other and you both know that you just can't make it work?

But it's got electrolytes! It's what salmon craves!

You know what this is? Urine. I ask people for it, and they give it to me! I've got a whole fridge full of this stuff.

You're right, Roneesh, and they played on that "too good to be true" thing really adeptly. His little temper tantrum on the tennis court had me in stitches, also.

Yes! We fat-necked girls are finally getting some appreciation.

Mayonnaise and a pack of cigarettes!