Riff Randell

Oh wow, that is cruel and unusual. I would probably quit.

Oh, the end with Jim trying to suck up to the new boss was just heartbreaking. Because even though it's nice to see him taken down a few pegs, we know that he's fundamentally a decent guy, and it's sad when he humiliates himself.

Did you happen to catch DBT and the Hold Steady together on their tour last fall? I saw them in Chicago and it was incredible.

Oh yes, lots of love for Separation Sunday. "How A Resurrection Really Feels" should be in the running for best album closer of all time.

I, too, have a crush on Adrien Brody. Okay, I love him. Okay, it is full-on raging animal lust which I cannot explain. Roy Schneider, though, ehhh.

I was late to the party with this one, for sure
But I discovered the Hold Steady last summer with "Stay Positive" and haven't stopped adoring it since. Every time I hear the opening chords of "Constructive Summer" I recall driving fast along the river in my hometown on a warm evening … nowhere particular to go, being

Oh man, the first time I heard "I Wanna Be Your Joey Ramone" was a spiritual experience. It's in my top three favorite songs of all time.

I'd start with "Funeral." But that's just me.

I didn't get into the Beatles until my senior year of high school, but when I did, I did so with a VENGEANCE. As in, writing lyrics on t-shirts and teaching my nine-year-old sister the lyrics to Lucy in the Sky and listening to Eleanor Rigby over and over and over and over. So yeah, you could say it made me feel "that

Those glasses are adorable on Ms. Willis. And plus that's how you can tell she's the smart one on the sorority.

Holy crap, that would be so cool.

Space needs more afros.

Women bleed out the vadges! BEWARE THE CRIMSON WAVE.

I'm partial to Lady L, myself. Especially at the end when he gets all screechy, and the little pose at the end … that man can blur the line between sweet and creepy like no other.

Yeah, I was pretty much done growing by the time I was 13 and I remember getting skeeved on at that age. Guys, on behalf of my creeped-out junior-high memories, stop.

I'll echo the Donald Sutherland love. He really captured the wry, detached but very genuine love that Mr. Bennet has for his daughters. I love the image of him sitting in the library taking care of his little plants.

Oh come on, the spyin' life is fun! YIPPEE!

Whoever mentioned Julianne Moore was right. She was pretty awesome in Children of Men.

Dired, your story gave me the giggles. I hope it's true.

Bless all you nice boy Pride and Prejudice fans. The world is a better place because of you.