Riff Randell

Yeah, girl-nerdiness solidarity! I could go on all day about how awesome Pride and Prejudice is, and I'll sound super smart while doing so (as opposed to being all MR. DARCY/COLIN FIRTH OMG SO PRETTY about it. Well, only a little bit of that.). But I think I'm one of the very few loyal fans of the book who will defend

I'm another fan of the Keira Knightley Pride and Prejudice, though I agree it's not as good as the BBC version. In my mind, it captured the spirit of the book really well, even though it wasn't as faithful to the letter of the book. Does that make sense? And Knightley was really good.

So … you're calling her a dead man?

Seriously, I don't get the mbs hate either. He seems like an earnest, upstanding young man. And trust, it takes a lot for me to get over a lack of punctuation and capitalization. I'm an English nerd, what can I say?

Pride and Prejudice
She was an awesome Lizzy Bennet. She needs more roles like that.

Yeah, she seems surprisingly normal, and more open than I would have expected. Now I'm wondering why I thought she'd be so vacant. The upper-class-twit accent, probably, and my raging jealousy of her cheekbones.

Dare I say she seems a little vanilla for you, ZMF?

Dangit, Hunter Gatherer, we double posted and blew our cover. Take off your wig and we'll regroup in ten.

I think I would get a five-second giggle out of hearing them swear so profusely. then when that was done I'd just cry and cry and cry.

Don't do it, ImpromptuJ! It's a trap! SMF only wants you for your body. And your social security number.

Go away, Honor Blackman. You're just acting out because you know Diana Rigg did a better job that you ever could have.

For a split second
I thought the guy on the right in the main picture was Brendan Fraser. It was then that I realized how extraordinarily sleep-deprived I am right now.

Keep it classy, Huffington Post
Here, verbatim, is the sidebar teaser for their story on Richardson's death:

I know it's a little shallow of me, but I haven't seen her act in anything except The Parent Trap, so when I heard Liam Neeson's wife died, my mind went straight to that scene in Love, Actually.

Wait till you hear my awesome vocals on "Wild Honey Pie." I can ROCK it.

Right. Real friends can only be found in the AV Club comment section.

Judging by the detachment with which he put "Judeo-Christian morality" in the "don't kill Crazy 8" list … probably not for long.

You could write an awesome Gender Studies textbook with that thesis, Unrepentant Racist.

UM HELLO, Zzzz, people who like to look at Paul Rudd. He transcends demographics.

The Skincare-Industrial Complex has brainwashed us all into thinking freckles are an abomination and that You'll Never Find A Man without perfect, freckle-free skin. that's why.