Riff Randell

And BBC News is MINDBLOWINGLY good most of the time. It makes CNN look like a whiny high school girl.

Re: The Prisoner remake: if they can pull it off, I will be AMC Original Programming's bitch for the rest of my life. Three incredible shows = lifetime pass.

And we couldn't even have done it if it wasn't for you, ZMF.

I hear she does it up in the projection booth.

Double Whopper and Jack, straight up.

Dang, really? I can get behind that. I have enough fun riding particularly bumpy buses.

I really, really want to think that they're actually Jason Segel and Paul Rudd, as was posited before. But I kind of doubt it, so I'll have to just go cry.

I agree about the rewatchability of Talladega Nights - Anchorman is better in small doses. Hey, you know who is awesome? John C. Reilly. Him and Terry Gross, both.

I wish more of them would. Where's Kim Kelly these days? Or poor Bill Haverchuk? (Probably dumping out my purse onto the floor and watching Dallas, respectively.)

They're doing the Prisoner remake, which I'm still iffy about.

Lady Uranus, I completely agree. I recall an interview with Tina Fey where she said Amy Poehler liked the Baby Mama script because "it didn't end in a goddamn wedding."

Monstro - that was the giant whale, right? That thing scared me SHITLESS as a kid. I still don't think I've seen this movie all the way through.

My green army jacket is the only thing keeping me warm tonight.

Or a harbinger of doom.

count your blessings
I was about to complain that I'm going to have to look at Cranston's tightie whities on the homepage all day tomorrow, but then I remembered that I should really just be grateful that the Larry the Cable Guy ads are gone. Seriously, can I get an amen?

Jenny, don't for one minute think that there's anything wrong with a Jason Segel crush. That man is adorable. Paul Rudd ain't bad either, but Segel seems more regular-guy approachable. I find it's best to aim low with unattainable crushes.

It's an apples and oranges thing - the only thing they share is a network, really. I think they're both equally good in different ways. This is because I like to hedge my bets.

It's newsboy slang for "Extra."

The optimist in me thinks that non-profit is the way to go. What news outlets need is a guardian angel - a very, very rich guardian angel. If I'm ever wealthy, I will fund a newspaper. But since I love newspapers enough to write for them, I'll never be rich. Vicious circle vicious circle!

See, I wouldn't mind, except now I suspect that you all have ulterior motives, i.e. securing a discount at my future, uh, "business venture." Come on, people! If I go down that road, I'll keep it classy, and Miss Riff's Pleasure Emporium can't afford to play favorites.