Riff Randell

I'm rolling my eyes, but only because I'm bitter about how true it is.

Weren't the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News semi-consolidated or something like that? They shared all their print operations at least. Didn't do much to help ol' Rocky.

I have, actually! My backup list is as follows:

Amen to everything you just said, Belvedere. I mean, the Internet will fill the void, since nature abhors a vacuum etc, but will they fill it with actual reporting or will they fill it with Huffington Post-style ripoff journalism?

Just slightly? We talked about this, Tom. Don't puss out on me now.

Wouldn't that just widen the gap between the knows and the know-nots? The sports and lifestyle sections would sell out, but no one would glance at the coverage of last night's city council meeting.

Oh, I have no doubt of that, Yummsh. The problem is, no one will pay for online content, so no one outlet will have the resources to fund independent reporting. And by "fund independent reporting" I mean "keep me in food and caffeine."

and that would still lead to mass layoffs, since one consolidated newspaper is still one newspaper and can only employ so many ink-stained wretches.

This genuinely sucks.

I'm confused. You look nothing like your avatar. (The cognitive dissonance might just be my St. Patrick's Day morning liquor, though.)

Hurts, doesn't it??

Oh, I take it back, because you know what were awesome? Warheads. but at least those were an explosion of sour and not an actual explosion.

I like it bite-sized.

The Chang is sacred! How quick you forget. Heathens.

Larks' Tongues: Live in Aspic

That shouldn't be a problem. We're a very suave bunch.

Vampires watch CNN and public access exclusively.

Qu'est-ce que c'est? Fa fa faaa fa fa fa fa faaa fa fa

The first two (the weasel is syphilitic as well, you see).

The outlets are great. No reason to pay full price, even for designer D0NGS.