Riff Randell

Oh, and Ghost of Nilsson, I think the correct line is "hey, pizza!" then his next line is "hey, pizza! All right! Let's dig in."

Oh dude, Dr. Venkman, nobody made me take my avatar down. It just took me this long to find a cool avatar of the actual Riff, and I got tired of my dumb-bunny-with-smart glasses look. I'm not creeped out by the dudes on here, I'm just impatient and indecisive.

Ooops. Karmic payback for posting at work?

Ooops. Karmic payback for posting at work?

Yeah, I'm glad they got rid of her too. It seems there were a few variations on her "dry witty feminist hot chick" character over the years - the obnoxious Moira Kelly one, the awesome Mary Louise Parker one and the pale-Parker-imitation Janeane Garofalo one. Like they knew they got it right with Mary Louise and tried

Yeah, I'm glad they got rid of her too. It seems there were a few variations on her "dry witty feminist hot chick" character over the years - the obnoxious Moira Kelly one, the awesome Mary Louise Parker one and the pale-Parker-imitation Janeane Garofalo one. Like they knew they got it right with Mary Louise and tried

I'll leave when I'm good and ready.

Not so much a "good guy" Republican as a mercenary one - again, skeevy. Unless I'm misremembering things.

Oh, it totally did. I mean, not in any way that was at all serious (I dropped those body image issues back in high school, guys! Ice cream's on me!) - I, too, find it 99 percent hilarious and out-of-nowhere. The 1 percent came from staring too hard at my avatar to triple-check. Because, seriously … how would you know?

"jhee-lee." Soft "g."

Yeah, Bruno was awesome. I loved the subtle running jokes about his skeeviness.

Ehhh. Truth is, I just got sick of looking at myself, and I couldn't pass up on an actual Riff Randell avatar. If you're a lady on the Internet, you're going to get perved on no matter what.


It's pretty much the pinnacle of modern American cinema. You won't regret it.

There are dozens of us … DOZENS!

Hell yeah. I decided to lose the old webcam avatar and reinforce the brand.

Sorry. Blame the inner undergrad. She's too lazy to fact check. Probably she's been smoking the marijuana again, as well, also.

I don't know what it means either, EJ. Don't feel so alone.

I'm not the first one to say this, but it sucks that the writers on Roseanne couldn't handle more than, what, three seasons of writing about a working-class family? Before that whole deus ex machina lottery thing. There's enough aspirational bourgie-ism on TV.

What's your return policy on doves?