Riff Randell

Oh, poor kid. I think we might want to consider going easy on him this time, guys. Like maybe just an inopportune canker sore instead of AIDS or fire. But I'm not feeling up to my usual bitchy tonight, so take that as you will.

That first video has Jason Bateman in it, which is as good an excuse as any to start an Arrested quote thread
aaaand … GO!

No, seriously, that line made me laugh my head off. Just thought I'd let you all know. Twice, apparently.

"Travis Bickle Goes Emo" … that is awesome
Pictures plz. A/s/l?!?

That's because Dear Doctor is hilarious. When the second-to-last verse kicks in with the falsetto? Cracks me up every time.

Finally! I'd been looking for someone to kill for the inheritance. I would like an "interview" with your oldest, weariest client, stat. Then, finally, I can bust out of these two-bit comment boards. I'm going to be … a star.

There are nights when I think that Sal Paradise was right
They're not My Favorite Song Of All Time, but they're close. "Stuck Between Stations" is practically a religious experience for me, as is "Constructive Summer." And a bunch of other Hold Steady songs I could rattle off. They love rock and roll, and they love

Yeah, I love it when The AV Club reminds me how much GOOD there is in pop culture. It's even better when the comment section stays positive and light and fun.

Hahaha, yes, I'm glad I'm not the only one who automatically connects Rush with Nick Andopolis.

Don't Think Twice It's Alright - probably in the top ten best breakup songs ever.

It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll!

It's an awesome song, and there are few versions out there I don't like, but the Animals pretty much blow them all away. I heard it for the first time a few years ago when I was just starting to get into the British Invasion. It genuinely stunned me that such a haunting song could come from your typical floppy-haired

My top played is "Sheena Is A Punk Rocker." Which is at least in my top five.

Aretha's cover of The Weight is fantastic, too.

YES. It's simple and heartbreaking and … funky? yeah, that's the right word.

For favorite Clash I'd have to say Stay Free. Honorable mention to Garageland, Guns of Brixton and London Calling, especially London Calling. It's so evocative - the first time I listened to it I was genuinely chilled to the bone. It freaked me out in the best way.

Once upon a time, there was this … eel monkey … and he had himself … a bullum head!

Not nearly my favorite Richman song, but I gotta show some love for "I Eat With Gusto, Damn, you bet!"

Awesome, OtP. But I'm not much for fancy dresses, even for a wedding. I'll probably just wear my Everyday Clothes, if that's cool with you.

El Scorcho. YES.