Riff Randell

Ooooh, more love for Desolation Row right here. I think that might be the only 11-minute song ever written that I can listen to all the way through without wandering off.

I am not a huge Floyd fan in general, but I love Wish You Were Here - it's definitely in my top ten favorite albums of all time. Seems to me it's the most bare and personal of their albums, which goes to show you, when they want to do emotion, they can do emotion right.

I'd marry you if we can dance to that song during the reception. Which will naturally be held on a July night, in the park with a water fountain.

Ooh, Ballad of a Thin Man is awesome. Nobody does understated freaky/creepy better than Dylan when he puts his mind to it.

YES! That Scott Thompson white-trashy Canuck dude cracks me up every time. Every time I go to this city, someone picks me up at the bus station, takes me to a Leafs game and then tries to blow me. Why can't anybody just like me for me?

Somehow I feel like this is an inadequate answer to the "what's your favorite Stones song" question, but I'm going from the HEART here, people, and I'm not trying to impress. So, hands down, Ruby Tuesday. Something about the way Mick's voice cracks at the top of the "Ru" just kills me.

You are[,] Number Six.

Waterloo Sunset and Jonathan Richman's "That Summer Feeling" can always make me cry. I don't know what it is - they just break my heart so good!

By the Modern Lovers. The first album version, preferably … I would marry that song if that were legal in my state.

She is the awesomest. Brains, kick-buttness and pretty hair.

No no, it's supposed to be Tobias'S The Queen Mary.

Sad to see such a good 30 Rock reference go to waste on a troll.

Ah, Rihanna Had It Coming, I see we meet again. I'll take the bait this time, too, but I'll limit it to a classy "eff off, douchewad."

Jessica Rabbit: Ditto to everything you just said. Including the part about being Mormon. I just want to add that I find some of the misrepresentations of Mormonism on the show to be frankly baffling. And even if they got the details right, they probably would still perpetuate stereotypes of Mormons as iconoclastic

Nah, I just couldn't resist a setup like that. Blame Emperor Jim! (It's JORGENSEN'S fault!)

Too soon!

It's hit and miss. Sometimes the sketches can drag, and they're too reliant on dick jokes and poo, but when it's good, it's really good. (We totally already had this discussion over on the Tolerability Index, you guys. It only devolved into a discussion of why I can't get a date, but still.)

Fictional Strumpet, my mom gave me pretty much the same talk. Maybe your mom and mine are working out of the same pamphlet: "How To Give Your Daughter Issues For Fun And Profit!"

holy shit. I am so sorry. I suppose it bears repeating, though.

holy shit. I am so sorry. I suppose it bears repeating, though.