Riff Randell

holy shit. I am so sorry. I suppose it bears repeating, though.

holy shit. I am so sorry. I suppose it bears repeating, though.





I totally get that. He's got the tall floppy-haired goofy sort of look, which can be pretty endearing. Plus: funny! except for when he's not.

tightly wound = myopia = glasses = hot? I can totally live with that. Even with the quotation marks.

She probably was, until she blackmailed some marketing executive into giving her the role for the abortion money. I mean, really, haven't we all been there?

Has anyone considered the thought that they might actually literally be roasting him? Cable Guy Cracklins coming right up!

And he keeps going for those women that rain. Bad news.

The week I was born, the #1 song was "Don't Worry, Be Happy." So obviously I turned out a tightly wound, neurotic geek.

Emperor Jim, I for some reason really love that you put quotes around "hot."

That is a brilliant idea, Chubby. Anyone up for a letter-writing campaign? Surely one of you stalkery types has Ms. Gillette's address.

This is late, so no one will read it, but I feel an obligation to inform you that because of your username you are a grade-A asshole.

That actually looks pretty cool, wallflower, thanks for mentioning it. Wow, do I ever love that song.

Aww, boys, I care about your goodwill too, don't worry. Now where are you in real life? Speak up! I only ever get hit on by AV Clubbers and the middle-aged support staff at my old student center.

Exactly. The problem I recall with the Whitest Kids is that they don't seem to know when to end their sketches, which can really drag. And then they go and do this piece of crap, which is making them lose more goodwill with me.

a "Prison Wine's apartment" joke would be far too easy here, so I'll resist.

Hey, that's O-Nedders.