Riff Randell

I am intrigued by this appellation and would like to join the Stella-kateers at their earliest convenience. I can sing, dance a little and I look kind of cute in mouse ear hats. I can bring my own suit and tie.

Miss March
Looks like a movie wholly for douchebags. Which is sad, because The Whitest Kids U'Know can be pretty funny. Human Giant would never stoop that low, let me tell you.

These Random Roles are always such learning experiences!
For example: I had no idea he was in That Thing You Do, and I've seen that about a thousand times. (Uh, shut up everyone, it's a fun show with good music and Steve Zahn is super cute.) In conclusion, Breaking Bad RULES. Randell OUT!

Damn straight, Lupin. It's because of the heartbreak, okay? So now it's all I can do to seek comfort on hipster pop culture comment boards. It's the only thing that brings me peace. Well, that and the heroin.


I hate you.

Don't correct yourself. It makes you look weak. Now go pick on your secretary a little bit to make you feel better.

I'd like to see Don Draper work out an ad campaign for pork rinds.

I don't think that works with interviewees here. At least, Andrew Bird and Andy Samberg have never gotten back to me.

And Prison Wine knows cheekbones. He's got those stacks of skulls in his apartment, after all.

It sounds like the name of the ascot-wearing toothpick moustache-sporting billionaire playboy/sensitive artiste who made bedroom eyes at you over the billiards table in Monte Carlo. It's a Harlequin Romance sort of name. Not that I'd know.

I saw them all the time growing up in Idaho, which I suppose is pretty much the South in everything but location. IDAHO SUCKS GUYS, DON'T GO THERE EVER.

If I were ever to eat these
I think the shame would kill me before the calories and fat did. I love my junk food as much as the next girl - probably more - but seriously, the line needs to be drawn somewhere.

It's like poetry.

And then we all eat YOGURT! The official food of women!

Not many people say that, on account of the second mouth on my back. I'm funnin'! It's all sewed up.

She and Tracy deserve each other. ROLE play, baby!

Saul Rosenbear, I would just like to say that I understand and appreciate the obscure 30 Rock reference that is your screen name. But my estimation of you dropped appreciably once I found out you cheated with that lamb.

Your office sounds cooler than mine. It's all I can do to bite my tongue some days when my bosses start talking about the cool new U2 album. I can't wait to get back to school in a couple of weeks so I can start arguing with hipsters. All the guys love to hear me whine about the Watchmen movie.

No, Frito, I'm trying to say that I'm actually your long-lost mother. Take a hint, sweetie!