Riff Randell

The Saddest Music In The World
It sure takes my mind off the recession when I see Isabella Rossellini with beer legs.

No, Idiocracy would just make me feel worse. Because the worse the economy gets, the closer we get to watering our plants with Brawndo.

If the heads of the businessmen at AIG, Lehman Bros., etc had all had their requisite crushing, then we wouldn't be in this mess now.

Ooh, Sullivan's Travel's is pretty good - but not bleak enough for this list, maybe? I don't remember much about the movie except that Veronica Lake's character was pretty badass through the first half.

PS, big love to you both for the Kids in the Hall references. My esteem for someone goes up a million percent if I find out they're into those crazy Canucks.

I feel really lame
I think this is the only Inventory I've read where I haven't seen any of the movies. Maybe I just prefer cinema about unicorns and puppies and rainbows.

I love that sketch. And ever since I saw the one where the ketchup and mac and cheese lobbyists came to their crappy apartment, I fully expect Diet Coke and peanut butter lobbyists to come to MY crappy apartment.

That cover of Desolation Row actually made me nauseous. IT IS MY FAVORITE BOB DYLAN SONG EVER, PEOPLE, WHAT DID YOU DO WITH IT AND WHERE ARE YOU SO I CAN CUT YOU?!???

CW, I would like to bake you cookies for that Kids in the Hall reference.



Do … do you live in my hometown? This sounds exactly like the place I grew up - an airless desert town infested with obnoxious religious types?

And the sad puppy-dog (sad sasquatch?) look in his eyes was even a little bit genuinely heartbreaking! Awww Frank!

Aww, I thought you'd never ask!

Nah, that's okay. One thing I've learned in my wise old 20s is that if I'm going to get stoned I might as well get stoned on real drugs.

I hope they reference the drama with him and Grizz's fiancee. Or is it the other way around? Whatever, it's adorable.

The Bourne Identity
I was 13 and stoned out of my mind on allergy medication and it wasn't even fun. I felt gypped on a lot of levels.

wow, I have that EXACT SAME OUTFIT. It looks better on him.

Yeah, ditto. Whom am I going to complain about this movie to now? Am I just going to sit in the theater alone in the dark on Saturday afternoon, clutching a 44-oz Diet Coke and muttering to myself through the whole thing about how the book is better? (Yes.)

Fess up
Which (creepy, probably unregistered) AVC commenter was the Thora Birch-obsessed movie talker?