Riff Randell

He wrote a children's book about a manatee with which my kid sister is wholly enamored. Just for that, I think he's pretty cool.

This episode was hilarious
I think they should start a spinoff. "Frank Rossitano: Space Assassin!"

That's me, actually. Pretty good pay.

Here she comes
You better watch your step
She's going to break your heart in two, it's true

Baltar I would classify as more greasy than scruffy, but maybe I'm nitpicking here. Now Chief, there's a good example of a scruffy spaceboy.

I got my wisdom teeth out the summer after my senior year of high school, a few days after the issue of Runawyas when Gert died. Coming out of the anesthetic, I was having some trouble distinguishing between fact and fiction … and spent the ride home sobbing in grief over my friend Gert. Something about never getting

Look, guys, comment-board flirting is harmless and fun, but you all should know that I don't let anyone eat my beans until the fourth date, ronch ronch or no. At least not straight out of the can.

I wouldn't blame it on DC. Batman seems to be doing fine. Superman Returns was iffy because it was ponderous and overlong. Besides, the reason Elektra and Catwoman tanked is because they were uniformly crappy movies, not really because the protagonists had vadges.

He completely looks the part
Of all the casting choices, this is the one I'm most comfortable with. But I won't be sure until he can sell me on his "hurm."

Daredevil. Ghost Rider.

Uh, Jackie Earle Haley or Rorschach? Answer carefully.

Look, I'm sure it's a really good movie and all
But seriously? Iron Man, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, they all get kajillion-dollar full-length blockbuster feature films. Motherfucking WONDER WOMAN is stuck with a direct-to-DVD animated feature?

I … I would watch NPR porn. And I don't even like porn.

What is this frilly Jell-o shit? Real women mudwrestle.

Road trip!!! I am so there. I bet she's amazing. I bet she wears leather and has whiskey hidden in secret compartments all over her cabin. We could all go to Montana dive bars and pick up on scruffy cowboy Writers.

Whyyyy, I oughta …

This is the band that
advertised for their shows by filling in the lips on posters etc. with black Sharpie, right? I feel like I should think that's lame, but I actually think it's cool.

Yeah, Good Bad Not Evil is a good gateway album. I mean, it was the first Black Lips I'd ever heard. I only picked it up because of the Shangri-Las reference in the album name, and I was pleasantly surprised.

I prefer "BITCHEZZZ."

Superman would have been elected President in the late 90's and she would have had to help cover up his kryptonite-induced multiple sclerosis.