Riff Randell

I think she's the only one without dark hair and glasses, if that makes a difference. Besides, Phel's cool. We lady AV Clubbers have to represent.

Paul McCartney as Romeo?
We need to go back in time to make that happen. Surely, having a Zefferelli/Hussey/McCartney Romeo and Juliet would outweigh any dystopian wastelands, evil permanent dictatorships or any other possible futures that would come from so boldly changing history.

Life goals
It's pretty much my life goal to be Lois Lane. Barring that, Chloe from Smallville. (I tried the Chloe hair once, even. It didn't work.)

Wow, you guys don't even have individual mangers? You have to share all the hay and straw? Well, you're a small operation yet. Keep promoting your site around here and that's sure to change.

Ditto. I am a human being, not a vicious VOID.

Aww, Hiho, you just made my night. But you guessed wrong about my picture - I live in an apartment, like an actual apartment, with rent and everything. A swinging bachelorette party pad for sure!!!!!!

Runaways is so dear to my heart that I feel like a movie version could really suck, but I'm comforted that Vaughan is involved. Runaways is his baby, and he won't screw it up (I hope I hope I hope!).

That sounds beautiful, Lou. I'll bring the peppermint tea if you'll wear a turtleneck.

Oh man! That could be an incredible movie, depending on who directs. And who plays Spider. Hear that, AV Clubbers? It's casting call time!

I have so much love for Blankets. I think I would be a little bit sad if someone turned it into a movie, but that's just because I'm overly sensitive. Which is probably why I have so much love for Blankets.

I had this whole rant going
about how these works stand on their own, and don't need to be made into movies to be enjoyed, but I admit it: a Criminal movie could be fantastic.

Oh, so I have to be the AV Club 30 Rock fact-checker again? The line is "Thank you, Cerie, but I've been sexually active since I was 25." Boom.

Ah! I'd completely forgotten that, which is sad. They definitely should have kept that gag up.

Your Lexus is going to turn into a hot pile of rats fighting over a human finger!

Jonathan playing the flute
Probably the best camcorder gag since Buster did his Chicago dance. There has been exactly the right amount of Jonathan so far this season.

I started with the second volume of Essential X-Men - Claremont, Dark Phoenix, etc., if I remember correctly. That stuff was fantastic, but it didn't get me hooked - Grant Morrison's New X-Men did. I wish I weren't too poor to buy the omnibus.

Jorobot: Generalissimo. It's the opposite of iffy, it's brilliantly structured, there's a laff a minute, and JON HAMM. Even if the rest of the season were as bad as you're saying it is, and it's not, we'd still have Generalissimo to make up for it. In conclusion, Generalissimo.

Excellent gateway choice
All-Star Superman made me feel like a comics virgin. As in, I'd been reading superhero comics for years before I picked it up but when I did it was like reading it all for the first time.

That's factually incorrect. She's actually the head writer. Pete is the producer. Ya BURNT!

Whenever I look at his avatar without my glasses on, I do a double take because I think it's the girl who played Lana on Smallville. I HATED Lana on Smallville. (Not that I was ever obsessed with that show in junior high or anything like that.)