Riff Randell

The Watchmen movie is going to suck.
I'm not trolling. I just honestly believe that there is no way to make that movie good. Malin Ackerman won't help, that's for sure.

"his daughter deftly maneuvers around all the barriers her stolid, suburban trade life has put in her path"
Man. Bitches, am I right?

Awww, craigward, you got my reference! Ten points.

Jorge - amen, amen, amen and amen. with an additional I HATE YOU, BABY BOOMERS.

John Entwistle: totally badass. Underratedly so.

Listening to that rap won't be as good as watching it. Because Andy Samberg is in that Viking outfit, that's why.

Along those lines: the documentary on Arthur "Killer" Kane was completely heartbreaking. It was all oh man! He's old now! And Mormon! And he's a-gonna die and they'll all play a big show! Cut to: Riff Randell weeping on the couch.

Me? Absolutely. You couldn't tell from the brisk, decisive muscularity of my comments?

Sad story: when my roommate first saw the cover of Aladdin Sane, her first reaction was "hey, it's Dennis!"

I'd say the New York Dolls would be a good starting point for people who don't think they like glam rock. (Everyone likes glam rock! Just not everyone knows it yet.)

Isn't Bowie's egotism kind of the point?


No, of course not. I'm a huge New York Dolls fan - I'm surprised they weren't mentioned in the article, actually.

Dear Andy Samberg,
Do you like me? Check yes or no.

I do an awesome Bowie impression when I sing along to "Ziggy Stardust." Alone. In my car. At night.

"I'll be seeing you"
Can only ever remind me of The Prisoner.

Diet Dr Pepper is a cheap whore. Diet Coke is where it's AT.

So sad that he's moving to LA
Because that means he and Liz Lemon will never make it happen.

Wow, absolutely none of these are anywhere approaching "funny."

Brits, nothin' - it's only 1 a.m. on the West Coast. Oh wow, I have to get up for work in six hours. Good night, fake Internet friends.