Riff Randell

You missed a golden opportunity there by not putting "My Pet Goat" in the subject line instead.

That was a pretty good piece of trolling, "Caufield." I am of course giving you the benefit of the doubt in assuming that you really understand the underlying message of the novel.

As soon as newspapers find a way to monetize Internet news, and as soon as those papers start forgetting about the double/triple-digit profit margins they enjoyed for the last half-century, the industry will be stable. In the meantime, it will continue to pay me only enough to cover my Diet Coke and Netflix habits.

Insomnia. Also I needed a place to go where people would recognize my Arrested Development quotes.

I believe firmly that pop culture or both shapes and reflects the society that creates it, and as such is worthy of serious study, but I might just be rationalizing my AV Club habit.

No one's commented yet on your love for Flannery, so I'll second that.

I hope someday to meet a man who will call my ankle Uncle Wiggily.

I didn't discover the Beatles until my senior year of high school, but I like to think I've made up for lost time since then. But yes, no kid should go to college without proper preparation for the inevitable What's Your Favorite Beatles Album question. (Abbey Road all the way, for me.)

Other Riff, we should start a book club. A book club for Riffs.

Don't blame the news for your teacher's crappy presentation of it. It can and should be used as a vehicle for discussion and exploration, not a crutch.


Quadrophenia > Tommy, any day and every day. What an amazing album.

Yes, definitely - read Catcher as a senior in high school and then Franny and Zooey two years later, when you're having a Franny-style crisis of faith.

Miller! Are you a fellow newspaperman? Because my job is endangered too … and where else am I going to wear my fedora?

Oh, mbs. You may be a hyperactive over-poster, but you're a self-aware hyperactive over-poster, and that is what's endearing about you.

Aww, thanks, mbs! For what it's worth, I totally envy your Count Chocula t-shirt. You're correct, it would fit right in in Portland. It's a very jeans-and-hoodies sort of town.

I guess I could have just said "I dunno. Fuck fashion," and that would have summed it up.

He was my favorite Project Runway contestant of all
And this is coming from someone who generally hates reality TV and whose fashion sense is strictly limited to baggy jeans/tight t-shirts/sneakers. I looked at his stuff and actually thought I couldmaybe wear it, so that's a big step for me.

Aaah, Voodoo Doughnut! For when it's 3 a.m. and you need a sugar fix in the form of a cream-filled doughnut shaped like a penis. I love this city. (And I could never love Portland like I do if it didn't worship a bookstore the way it does.)

Dude, don't piss him off, or he will eat the entire planet and then there won't even be cities to Decide for.