Riff Randell

You know, come to think of it, the Sarlacc does look kind of yonic.

I can't believe no one's mentioned this yet, but
"Maybe I'm Amazed." Come on, people.

Nothin' unrefined about some early Beatles. Damned if that isn't some of the most earnest and schmoopy and lovely and affective music ever.

Yes! "Stay Free" is a mainstay of my lovey-dovey mixtapes. I'm pretty sure it wasn't written as a love song in any kind of traditional sense, but whatever. It might be my favorite Clash song.

Frakkin' toaster.

Falling in love eventually
"It will be a little more difficult than it was in Pretty Woman, but not nearly as hard as it was in Return Of The Jedi."

I'll never forgive them for that cover of "Behind Blue Eyes." HATE.

I concede that he's too old for the haircut, but gosh darn if he's not the cutest thing. The sneakers don't hurt, either.

Yeah, I'm not getting the hate here. It was gentle and fun. I laughed hard during the time-traveling gigolo sketch, giggled during the misplaced raver, and smiled appreciatively during the one-man band at the end. I will be tuning in next week, bitches.

I know, right? That art up there is gorgeous, too.
(Sorry I have nothing to add except "art purty." I'm sure I'm not the first to be rendered speechless in Batman's wake.)

Only a C+ for the Missed Connections comic?
That really looks like it has potential. Do you have no wistful romance in your heart, AV Club Comics People?

You know who loves Brian Regan?

I love his hair. I know I shouldn't, but I really can't help it. I think I watched "A Hard Day's Night" one too many times in my formative years.

They were all good, but my favorite was the douchebag usher in the second movie. You could just tell he was having fun with that one.

Those were hilarious. I won't say I gained respect for Old Spice after seeing them or anything? And I didn't go out and buy any? And I'd never wear any, on account of my being a lady. So maybe they weren't effective, but they sure were funny.

Marx or Billingham?

"wow, that is so racist. But true."

For the love of GOB, let's not forget the awesomeness of Will Arnett in the evil boyfriend role. Babe! Wait! Babe wait! Babe wait Babe! Baaaaabe!

Synergy! Synchronicity! Tippecanoe and Tyler Too.

They're both good, but Amy is miles ahead of Lily Allen, talent-wise. Allen just sounds so … chirpy when compared to Back to Black. And not in a good way.