Riff Randell

THAT's where I know him from! I knew he looked familiar.
I adore that movie. Hot Rod haters all just need to go out in the woods and punch-dance out their rage.

No, we really are all monolithically compassionate fighters for justice
And if you dare challenge that, we will sync up our cycles and really mess up the plumbing around here.

Much Ado About Nothing was going to be my pick. Definitely the most entertaining "I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I … mmmmmm (they kiss)" movie.

That has been scientifically proven to be the best way to get over someone. Just park your butt down and wallow with some Phish Food and Eternal Sunshine until it goes away. You know what I'm talking about.

… I get the Monty Python reference. I have nothing to say about the rest of it, except that some of us do like guys who can get the obscurest of references. "This is your moment, Arthur Pewty!"

Holy crap, can we watch West Side Story together after we play pool next weekend? I will sing along during some parts, so if that's a dealbreaker, tell me now.

Oh no, late again. Sorry, mbs.

BAM! Two in a row! Plus 20 bonus points for a Robert Goulet reference. Well played.

mbs, you're lucky I find desperation and geekery mildly endearing. Make it air hockey and we'll talk. (I am unbelievably awful at pool. I do look pretty cool leaning up against the pool cue, though.)

aaaagh. I got it right the first time. I should just go to bed.

I meant that somehow he manages to embody sexy attributes that are considered heterosexual as well as others that are considered homosexual. Generally it's one or the other, so that's just not fair. The man smolders.

I meant he somehow manages to embody so many incredibly sexy attributes of both hetero- and homosexual men. What's the deal there? The man just smolders.

Sincerity is better when it hurts. Adverbs!

So many fellow West Side Story fans! Here's a question for you: how much of its awesomeness has to do with Rita Moreno being completely badass? My closest guess would be around 40%. Subquestion: how does Bernardo remain so sexy while looking/dancing/dressing totally gaybones by modern standards?

Was that a Tracy Jordan shout out in the It Happened One Night blurb?

re: Eternal Sunshine as "the manic pixie dream girl theme done right" - I completely agree. Kate Winslet's character was crayzee, sure, but she also has depth and internal motivation. Multifaceted!

Mine ended three weeks ago and I'm still reeling. Somebody get me some chocolate.

Brokeback Mountain
My friends refuse to watch it with me because I cry like a little bitch every single time. Every single time! I think it might be the most heartbreaking movie I've ever seen.

oh hush.

I love West Side Story and I'm not afraid to admit it
It's the last vestige of my junior high musical theater phase. I still know all the words to "Officer Krupke."