Jerry Curlan

When I want police attention, I wear nothing but panties.

Given that you limited this to tv moms, I guess I can understand not including Louise Jefferson.

Maybe that's just her excuse for being incompetent.

This article literally made me shit my pants.

Not yet.

We do, and I vote Nicolis Cage.  He would make a great Hitchcock.

Or "Making Scarlett Johansson"?

You are correct.  I would have also accepted "douchenozzle."

I saw that same one. 

My 10-year-old loves that movie.  I would rather stick a red hot poker up my ass than watch one second of it. 

Is everyone forgetting "Party All the Time" by Eddie Murphy?  By far the best song of the 20th century. 

Thank you.  PiL never wrote a lyric quite as good as "sleeps with midgets, drives a Ferrari and sucks assholes."  That's poetry, right there.

Thirded, by which I do not mean divided into three parts, but rather that I agree with you.

Dear PMS:

Good job on hyphenating dog-fucking.  Many people get that wrong when describing a beastiality film.

It's actually all about the character Jonathan Winters played on Mork and Mindy in the early '80's.  It is kind of a niche publication.

But I think we can all agree that Jack and Jill and The Descendants were competing for the same audience. 


You mean "weird" like it's an inopportune time for a boner, or "weird" as in misshapen?

Super Mario Bros.