Chairman Maow

It's worth tuning in just to hear Baron Harkonnen (a.k.a. Graham Elliot) say "flaccid" again.

Did Graham say "mouthgasm" before or after cutting open Jordan's eclair lengthwise in search of cream?

Wow, wow, wow — what a stunning episode. Sorry. I just came from the Masterchef thread.

Don't you know by now that the writers of this show treat ill-conceived plot threads as they do fat chicks snoring in their bed after a night of heavy drinking?

You seem surprised by this.

Yeah, that process shot was bizarre.  I was half expecting D&D to start discussing fast food burgers at one point.  Or accidentally shoot Harry in the face.

Pity that the bullet that killed LaGuerta didn't produce a glory hole.  Or did it?  More to come.

I sensed more of an Oldboy vibe, with Masuka cutting out his tongue in the final episode.

Which would explain her heartfelt talk with Quinn by the food truck.

Is it just me or is Jamie always on top?  Bitch should just dump Joey and buy herself a Sybian.

If anything, it proves that pulling an unconscious passenger out of a car immediately renders consciousness.

I'm convinced he's Scott Weiland.

In related news, Sasha Foxx is being sued for sexual harassment by every man she's ever encountered.

Speaking of macaroons, I've seen (and eaten) plenty with fresh fruit in the middle.  WTF?

Not unless the judges really, REALLY like mashed potatoes and macaroni.

Luca's fish sauce in risotto was pretty bad.  We all know at this point that Luca shops at Banana Republic;  whether he can actually cook, however, is anybody's guess.

No.  I must've blinked when they were eating each other out. 

"If you're going to stand there and talk behind my back, at least have the balls to come up here and say it to my face."

That list was more for the wedding guests, I believe.  Ramsay says something about guests with food allergies later in the episode.

Hulk… SMASH!