
As someone separated from his spouse and forced to contemplate divorce, I've found THC's portrayal to resonate very deeply and can't wait to see where he goes next on his emotional journey — glad to see the show was renewed.

Yeah, you're right. "Fuck Trump" metaphysically then. It would be karmic justice if he, Bill Cosby, and other serial offenders got a taste of their own medicine, but I don't advocate/wish for it.

Yeah, but a pen is too small bore. If someone ever does anally assault him, I hope it's with his hairbrush.

And crickets chirping— don't forget the crickets.

To me this is good news; I'm glad it finally dawned on the Republican masses that Bruce despises them and their former embrace of his music. Sure, Trump voters are stupid in myriad ways, but at least thanks to the media, they're no longer totally oblivious to their cultural opponents. Progress!

It's not his fault if you can't see the sailboat.

No, it's from the Skeetsburg Address.

Yep, we did y'all a favor in proving conclusively that trickle-down doesn't work. Only problem is, as this election proves, 1/3 of the country is too stupid to accept fact-based reality.

I prefer to describe the lifestyle as "dust bowl chic."

I voted early. In Kansas. Whoop dee doo.

In Wang we trust…

Eyebrows Insane Kaine gave me a laugh

Well, fuck my cock.


Narrator: Immediately upon making this statement, Xanderpuss realized it was true.

Well, it varies, but last time I voted, the lever raised a curtain on some guy named Chad who I promptly punched in the mouth; then he handed me a ballot with fill-in bubbles…

Oh yeah — gonna pull that lever/punch that chad/fill in that bubble! Democra-gasm 2016!

How 'bout this mad cow disease?

I once took a pair of binoculars and stared at the sun for over an hour… planet or star when that thing burns out we're all gonna be dead.

It's a simple question, doctor. Would you eat the moon if it were made of ribs? It's not rocket science; just say yes and we'll move on…