
Explain the map then, Professor! How/why did the Deep South switch parties?

Wait, when was it time to not be sad?

Word. This video and track are gorgeous; haters can GTFO.

Gosh, my history book says the parties essentially flipped which one was more racially regressive in 1964, after Dem LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act and Goldwater ran on repealing it, capturing the Deep South and giving birth to the GOP's Southern Strategy…http://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS…

To be fair, David and Bob obviously know it's not an actual theft— they're just drawing attention to the irony of how much LePage's words echo the racist tone-deafness of their sketch. A less tongue-in-cheek headline might have read, "Cross and Odenkirk Feign Outrage Over Maine Governor's 'Theft' of Mr. Show Sketch"

Where do I go Nooowwww…

Still, that's got to be one of the ugliest ways to go short of setting yourself on fire. I don't blame people for being suspicious that his girlfriend did it.

" "—Lena Dunham's mom, who also sorta wishes she had an abortion.


I dunno. You notice how Gosling's left a eye is just a little bit lower than his right? I think the whole 'handsome' label is due for a reassessment…

Sorry I mistook you for a person who would acknowledge new concepts. Smug dismissiveness is obviously too cozy to give up.

I did and they do. Why would you throw out transsexual— you do know what that means, right?

Google each of those terms and you can find out why they have nuanced significance warranting inclusion.

FYI, approximately 1 in 100 children deviates from standard genitalia (http://www.isna.org/faq/fre…. Hermaphrodite is an impossible misnomer for humans because it means having both fully functioning sets.

Even junk is on a spectrum— or haven't you heard of intersex?

"And don’t bother going to Twitter, because West gave up his phone for
room to even more music he’ll presumably to refuse to perform on his
next tour."

Canary in a turd mine, brother. Hell yeah!

Now you're talkin'.

Nah, it needs to be Elizabeth Warren at the top of the ticket.