
What a bastard…

Eight year-olds, dude.

'Ataboy Ferlin, and remember, often the only difference between a "hobby" and a lucrative career is knowing the right people to help market your product…

It was more like a rite of passage than a mere soundtrack. A young nerd's revelation. God I miss 1999.

Another great single by the Creation: Painter Man

There, there.

Not the hair. Watch the hair.

I'm the same way in abstaining from most everything, but I'll be damned if I could ever give up coffee.

Perhaps he is challenged to try waterboarding, then AJ is forced to give him mouth-to-mouth, he frenches her, then she vomits into his mouth and he drowns a second time.
Glimmery enough?

But only if they're on Target.

♫I'm orbiting Pluto…drawn in by its groovitational pull♫

When you're married with kids, you settle for a nod and then earn the enthusiasm later.

Too many men don't understand that sexual coercion takes many different forms, and "rape" to them will always be a stranger jumping out of the bushes with a knife. The same way many people harboring racist attitudes will never admit to being racist because the word just evokes skinhead caricatures to them…

His power of denial may indeed be that strong, but even so he can't ignore the short-term damage— all the awards and degrees rescinded, the show pulled from syndication… yes, I too hope it stays that way.

In his mind, especially since she allegedly had an orgasm, she must have wanted the contact, and therefore obtaining her actual verbal consent is moot. Even if he has glimmers of regret, he will never understand the full extent of his coercive behavior. As Mrs. L.A. said, he's an entitled little fuck.

I think he knows his entire artistic legacy is destroyed even if he doesn't grasp that he's a predator. And unless this case beats the odds, justice in the court of public opinion will unfortunately have to suffice. I still think of this whole saga as pleasingly karmic if not fully satisfying; my favorite part was his

It's a shame he doesn't get full credit for Days of Heaven and Cuckoo's Nest.

Makes sense—alive fake kids are the most annoying kind.

No kids in your future then?

Singular "gun"…I'm picturing pixie-sized agents struggling to heave the barrel skyward…