
It wins when paired with the illustration, but I otherwise prefer the more guileless approach of, say, A Sea Monster Ate My Friends, Baby Aspirin DVD or Step-Panther

Words are nice, but now would be the perfect time to finally live up to their name and aerially steer the erection of a rock shrine…

Hardly seems the right time to remind everyone of his illiteracy.

It's a bit of a chicken-or-egg thing in that I also want to blame all the provincial dimwits who bought into Reagan's myth. Sort of like you can blame Hitler but you can't forget to blame the intellectually-depraved populace that embraced him.

I'll need coffee to form a wish and a bran muffin for the other.

With the ghost of Lincoln in the passenger seat.


I figured that this point in history, the summer before the 2004 election, was just when I became more fully aware of the right's cognitive dissonance, and that their subscription to an alternate reality actually began at least a few years earlier with the rise of Fox News, if not even earlier via Rush and Ann Coulter.

[makes butter-churning gesture]

Naw, those were very big buildings and this is clearly a very small man. I'm going with Jenga.

"I'm trying to watch golf cartoons here. Fuck off!"

Like my peepaw when he had his stroke?

So it's acquired stupidity, i.e. she ate some lead paint chips.

Mr. Woodchuck
"Is that crystal made of…meeeeth?"

Donny, please…

"Unsex me here!"

^ Needs a lover that won't drive him crazy ♫

I'll take your word for it…

[insert obligatory "It can be two things!" comment here]

*Runs up, jumps in passenger seat panting*