
Derp dederp dederp!!

*blinks anxiously and makes O/J stabbing gesture*

I might agree with your concluding that the joke repeating "rape" is more for shock value than to make light of rape, that is if it weren't for the "rape the shit out of 'em at the Number Six Dance later on" quote also from the movie. See just below.

They're heeeeere…

Okay genius, try reading this if you're somehow convinced that 1-in-4 or 1-in-5 rape statistics are bogus:

I don't think it's threatening that basic tenet, but affirmative consent does need to be even more of a mass mindset shift than a legal one. Men need to know it's incumbent upon them to get a "yes" or be prepared to face serious charges.

" Sometimes, a rapist thinks he or she is engaging in consentual sex and is mistaken. But that's rarer than people make it out to be,"

Hence the affirmative consent movement to correct the unjust logic that in the absence of clear consent, the assailant gets the benefit of the doubt.

At first blush you might not think the joke crosses the line because if he said “murder” twice, we wouldn’t object. But ponder further and you’ll realize the reason “rape” is repeated is precisely because our culture likes to trivialize it; the joke seems to me a perfect if less obvious example of the insidious

"Dr. Samuel Dirtside's right about Olson Johnson being right!"

I have no joke but wanted to point out the irony of the author's picture lining up with the grade so the A appears stamped on her forehead, like The Scarlet Letter or that she herself is Asking For It…

♫Loo-loo-loo ya got some apples
Loo-loo-loo I got some too
Loo-loo-loo let's get together
I know what we can do-loo-loo♫

She does nearly put her legs behind her head at 8:30…

Stupid attractive spoiled hipsters with their ridiculous non-jobs and derivative vanity projects!

You're sure you're not part of some Groundhog Day-esque social experiment?

Bra, like calling frats pro-rape is ridiculous when more and more of us are stepping up and sincerely saying "Sure sucks when that happens" …just ask my bros at the Rho Alpha Ep house.

So does "Back on the Chain Gang" with the men grunting "OOH! AAH!" during the chorus…

Don't bother me…I'm excreting…corporate synergy…

Grimmace declared it his "95 feces"

Counter-offer: the King takes a dump on Ronald McDonald's chest.