
"Your wife got excited. She crossed her legs a little too quick."

Actually, the asshole's birthday is this coming Sunday. Turnin' 78 and feelin' the hate! Bippity zop!

Greg Kinnear as Roberts, Kevin Pollack as Alito, Ron Howard as Breyer, Sophia Loren as RBG, Marissa Tomei as Kagan, Anthony Hopkins as Kennedy, Michael Harney as Scalia, Rosie O'Donnell as Sotomayor, Danny Glover as Thomas

Patton Oswalt at his most petulant and corpulent would work.

Does some clue tell you that it's antebellum vs. Reconstruction era? Anyway, Uncle Remus is basically the quintessential "magical negro" and sycophantish Uncle Tom, and if you read the Slate article it explains that Disney & co. knew they were trafficking in hideous stereotypes at the time. Whether Remus is cranked

Their collaboration should be punitive. She should be forced to cook the Cos some deep fried puddin' pops laced with rufies, then serve them to him at both ends.

Or good ol' Cos just misunderstood what he was saying "yes" to, and now activist judge Robreiner has unsealed the dialogue to make his simple mistake sound like a confession. Damn you, Robreiner!

Hey, if you want to make lewd references to children's pants, take it to the Jared Fogle thread.


It's a leading theory in how the Salem Witch Trials got rolling…


Like Marge Gunderson, such a super lady…
…and I'ma so lonely! [sets down Modern Romance, sobs]

[sound of ceramic pot shattering]

I concur that this trailer does not suck others' dicks, but it can suck its own.
And it does it. A lot.

And then they should link to equally smart op-eds that build upon that momentum and/or explain how Oliver's piece, however hilarious and well-intentioned, may fall short of the perfect call to arms (since, afterall, they can't all be). In this case, transgender people are not just suffering all this bullshit about

The Better Call Saul continuation makes me wish they would simply take the whole MM cast and produce "Groove Cats," a domestic sitcom set in 1971 with all the same characters as tenants in an apartment building. Hamm can finally have a full-time comedy gig playing a goofball dad in over his head trying to raise three

And yet Joan would still be the hottest thing since Marilyn Monroe.

Perhaps also because Mad Men did not inherently need to end. It feels like we're being robbed of knowing what happened to these characters in the 70's, which would still be plenty interesting.

2 obits for 1 grandmother? Was one the raunchy unedited version?