
Even the subplot of Blanche pondering a boob job could not compete with the thrill of watching Sophia bust Lillian out of that shitty nursing home.

And Neil, next time we go camping — you drive the van!
[escalating guffaws, reconciling guitar riffs]

In hindsight I suppose we should have viewed his in-home exam room complete with stirrups as suspicious, but then that Rudy was so distractingly adorable…

You know what else was popular in the 80's? Rubix cubes. Pong. Print media. You kids have no appreciation for what we endured.

As a deeply humble, expert-at-compartmentalizin' Southern belle, it's hardly my place to judge how utterly asinine the idea of a 45-member conspiracy to falsely allege rape obviously is. No sir, when confronted with glaring injustices, I was raised to politely look the other way, lest I get the vapors and be taken

Gumber, you and I have but a few short months until age 33, when our ossified tendencies turn those ruts into shallow graves. Grab a Pitchfork with me and let's live, dammit!

[nods, strokes white cat on lap nervously]

Alas, we'll never know how much of that tadpole residue on her undergarments was consensual.

Hip hop: muzak's final frontier.

Go watch some LWT and remember the torch has not only already been passed but condensed into a limey laserbeam.

Au, sweet of you to say…

But who does my *indifference* to Anna Kendrick make me worse than?
Tojo? Amin? Nixon?

I know I sound like a broken record on the subject, but that video really coulda used a whole lot more Hitler.

You would think, but here there be dragons. [stares gloweringly]

There are only two men on earth man enough to menace Mr. Billy Bob Thornton. One of them is Willem Dafoe.
The other? You guessed it — Frank Stallone.

It's Vago's asphalt for leading us down this dead end.

Cementing their reputation?
Hopefully something more concrete emerges.

Where's my shoe?

No, I don't consider them "the other." I brought up that case only to demonstrate that a gang rape at that house is hardly as inconceivable as many would assume, and because it belies the assumption that they've been disgraced as never before by the Rolling Stone piece.

Those facts are indeed peripheral and don't amount to much given that:
1. Plenty of private parties are not formally registered.
2. The lifeguard who she did identify belonged to a different house, which doesn't prove that nobody from that fraternity was involved.