
I'm a white dude with expired dreams, two kids and a mortgage. Getting offended on intellectual grounds is one of the only ways to know I can still feel.

Perhaps I am — especially considering that "the average American adult" is by many measurements a moron.

Yeah, sure, what's the big deal; we all love Queen's "Fat- Bottomed Girls," right? And I like plenty of blue and perverse humor, but I also have enough empathy to recognize when a group's being marginalized. You can dismiss it as mild because you're not a young woman struggling with weight and body image issues, which

But why should we assume he doesn't still find those funny or has learned anything? To be clear, the Jewish one doesn't bother me; I'll assume that the boy he presumed to be Jewish wore a yamaka or something. But "fat girls everywhere" offends me and I'm really not that easily offended. And it's exactly the kind of

No doubt; I still think his touted "child of Apartheid, student of the world" resume is belied by this rather sad aping of privileged white male humor.

Yeah, but then why was he lazily tweeting frat boy humor three years later in late 2011? "Fat-shaming" was not yet a well-known thing, but still.

Weiner must have tested it when auditioning girls for that closet full of secretaries.

Indeed, I would say that these veins of blue comedy run shallow; the Church should focus on the gospel of Danny Tanner, with his rich (if subtle) tapestry of flaws, doubts and even rebelliousness:

Probably boasts a few more members than my Church of Saget. Fewer and fewer are answering the fliers and showing up at my door to watch my VHS copies of AFHV and Full House (our Old and New testaments, respectively).

Agreed. I think he essentially writes sincere, fairly autobiographical songs and then externalizes and caricatures the elements he finds amusingly ironic, pathetic or loathesome. It's hardly a new approach to song development; his are just more forcefully arch than most.

As opposed to a left cock or an incorrect cock?

Wait, still more dust [blasts with blowdryer]
2 Kill a dozen Mockingbirds on a Plane

I know. Getting several hundred minutes of footage from twelve years down to under three hours, not only keeping it from feeling disjointed but managing to emotionally affect most every viewer in way no other movie has—I could have done that all in iMovie while half asleep. Plus, he oughta know how to connect shit in

Silence or else something like:

I'd say her Perineum got Panned, as did the usual swim in her Mermaid's Lagoon. Nope, this one's a straight up Pow-Wow in her Tiger Lily. I'm Hooked — lucky Smee.

Or maybe this guy just thought her asking for help with "doing the dishes" was butt stuff innuendo…

I suppose, if I was a cedar tree with a termite problem and a grass diaper.

Aaaand I've shat myself.

Ooooh buck o' five…freedom costs uh buck o'… faaaaave …

Countercounterpoint: that's like a barrel of raped apples vs. 1 raped orange. If Polanski was a comparable serial offender, it would have been curtains for his career no matter where he lived. Same goes for Woody Allen.