
♫ Gotta let yo' lion shite down… ♫

Yes, I agree the snowballing of allegations is an incredibly encouraging thing for sexual violence victims, not only in inspiring courage but in discrediting skeptical cretins. The sheer number of Cosby's victims and frequent lack of any financial motive will soon overwhelm the facile defenses of all but the most

I'm not a girl but yes.

"Six months later, May 2015"
[DanTheKingOfSockMonkeys' mom turns off another taped marathon of the Cosby Show; on a whim she decides to lift the window shades and finally let in the spring sunshine…her mouth drops agape and eyes widen as they fall upon a nearby billboard that previously advertised TV Land with the

Y'all are denigrating my 3 favorite instruments, for which I've written several trios about portly, flatulent wood nymphs…

I'd speculate 'twas the taint, explaining Mr. Rovie's loss for words.

Take that, opinions!

Mattress guy from American Splendor:
"Average?! Man, average is fat."

On the other hand, she's proven quite skilled at castrating our generation's remaining nubbin of hope for cultural meritocracy…

Finally, a bob haircut that combines the defiant androgyny of Louise Brooks with the hopeless frump of Ma Fratelli…

Lena Dunham has gone off to be with her own kind …
… of body type … in Iowa … [cow moos in distance]

Lena Dunham's arm tattoo is the single greatest argument against getting a tattoo.

Perfect replacement for evangelical "porn destroys families" billboards along our interstates.

subsistin' > self-respectin'

Carl's Jr.
gorgin' > livin'

Oh Mr. Incognito, always providing that dense commentary we love to unpack… Yes, Gary's Jules are flaccid, as are most human gonads 95+% of the time. "Limp-wristed, pansy ass" … i.e. homosexual? Odds are presumably slim that Gary is gay or that gays especially love this song. He "sings like a pussy"? I'd reserve that

Historically it's quite true that the printed word, 2d and 3d art have survived the best and can therefore be considered more concrete; I meant a spectrum of how visually defined the subject matter is:
music < poetry < prose < 2d art < 3d art < 4d art (e.g. film)
With the steady march of technology, I expect film to

Same disagreement with my wife at the zoo—she wanted to see the monkeys "interact," whereas I was perfectly content watching their furious masturbating…

"A more ephemeral medium?" I'd say film is far more concrete, visually at least, than literature and music, which require you to form amorphous, ephemeral images in your mind. He could also be referring to the intangibility of a film's images, but I suspect "ephemeral" is really just an additional pejorative to throw

[Reads caption; skips article]