
More precisely/less concisely, "The Day the Man Holding Up a Funhouse Mirror to Everything Wrong with this Country, AKA the GOP, Dropped Said Mirror"

Your honor, it's also the film's fault for making hustles look so damn attractive to impressionable octogenarians such as my client. Just think about it — a man plays by the rules his whole life, and in waltzes an Oscar-lauded flick about handsome crooks with terrible hair that makes a mockery of his earnest

Only if you're a lawyer and and can file the suit yourself; otherwise it sounds like a recipe for more debt in legal fees…

I'll leave it to you to watch and search for coverage of court proceedings over the next few months. I expect we'll never hear about it again and can therefore assume that they settled.

Actually, when I listened to the whole clip and heard her cite Brodeur by name, I thought this could have some merit. But in the movie's defense, it's not being credibly suggested that his research actually reached this conclusion, but that Jennifer Lawrence's character is scientifically illiterate enough to

What-er YOU doin' he-yar, Dehvaahn?

Burger King:
Feel It Your Way; Hate Yourself Regardless

Alternately, if you're not into the whole brevity thing…
Fil-A-in' Chicks Beats Fellatin' Dicks

Keep Fuckin' that Chicken

Announcing the grand opening of Jesse's Toy Shack, your place to find Breaking Bad action figures, discount Breaking Bad memorabilia, "homely-but-happy" dolls by Etsy artisans that inspire girls' self-confidence and positive body image, and every video game ever made that does not involve violence*!

In my experience, real live Florida Moms are up for some action with their figures if you just wave a few bucks … wear at least 2 condoms …

Yeah, I generally consider autograph-seeking rather pathetic; I always picture monkeys coyly asking other, more "famous" monkeys to scribble on mass-produced objects for them…

Sticky situations…

[InsertPlace half-hearted joke about high fidelity to girlfriends/wives here.]

That hapless Messy Jinkham, celebrating his rare victories with his mica-induced hallucination of a best friend, "Mitch"—Yeah, Mitch!!

Is it even more limited than the amount of orifices Bill Cosby is supposed to go into?

All uncles are jazz musicians, or all rappers are rapers?

Define "insanely talented singer." He may seem like a plenty gifted songwriter to fans, but unless he has amazing vocal range, I'd hardly call that infamous alto squawk an example of "insanely talented." The song's ability to move is also entirely subjective, and as the author suggests, many found it "treacly" even

Right, I think that's the title on Kirk's mom's business cards.