
And just where were you profoundly-spoken AVC chums on Friday when we had to deal with several pre-apology-Rollins-apologists? Enjoying some sort of week-end frivolities rather than adding to a 1500-comment thread on suicide?! Bah!

And just where were you profoundly-spoken AVC chums on Friday when we had to deal with several pre-apology-Rollins-apologists? Enjoying some sort of week-end frivolities rather than adding to a 1500-comment thread on suicide?! Bah!

STAY OUT OF MY TERRITORY [until I finish searching it for dolls and action figures]

Doubt they'll find find every fring on the list…

Yeah but Old Hickory sure got a polishin'…

I hear tell that during the January 1861 transition, male-splittin' Abe jammed his Lincoln log in Buchanan's bucking cannon…

This was also Daniel Day-Lewis' reaction to the proposed "Lincoln's Revenge" sequel…

Such a buzz kill, that Azrael…

Glad that's settled. If Stevie Nicks gets it, the tremors should take her beloved goat yodel to a whole new level…

Actually, this does make it slightly better for me. I'm glad he was sober, and the suicide now seems like a decision, if still a rash one, that was based more in wanting to pre-empt further physical decline than in utter self-hatred.

This is by leaps and bounds the most open, trusting and sincere
outpouring on a thread that I've ever read, not only on AV Club
but on the entire fucking internet. So yeah, apart from
wondering what the fuck, a gargantuan thank you!!!

Interesting denial on his part. And you also said the word that I think isn't yet being mentioned enough, addiction. Substance abuse seems the aspect of Williams' self-destruction for which he most often and most recently sought treatment. While its own distinct illness, I suspect addiction occurs most often in tandem

Well, this is still the AV Club afterall, so gentler levity should be considered okay even if outright snark isn't. Here everyone, have some topical quotes!

Did he give it 1 or 2 swastikas out of 4? Fucker dispensed with that system altogether and gave my upscale cat haberdashery a single gold star for some reason…Try not to take it too personally; the scapegoating little shit never got over rejection from art school or getting a nad blown off by the French.

This is true, and I appreciate the addition of "rusty" to your proposal, as it signals that you are not the typical stump grinder owner, but the deranged kind who would not only grind a man who's just completed a miraculous sideways birth from his anus, but the kind who would leave such a fine piece of equipment out

Actually, I manufacture stump grinders and receive a notification upon their mention. I like to try to counter the negative associations whenever I can, or at least poke holes in elaborate schemes that involve their nefarious use…

I see, so just the wads would be ground up, and only after they've given sideways birth and the babies safely transferred to child services…it still sounds rather dangerous for the babies to gestate in what would primarily be men's asses, and for the babies' spines to endure the sideways births, not to mention

I'm going to take the unpopular stance that I prefer babies, however metaphorical, not to land taint-first into stump grinders. Couldn't we just force said assholes to ingest and shit large jagged medals of courage for so bravely eschewing suicide? Besides, Shep Smith neither has kids nor seems capable of impregnating…

The word "bungled" is redundant upon any mention of Fox News.