
Seriously, what a careless asshole. And not even mentioning Ligotti is belied by his prior confession to the WSJ: "…there are two lines in particular (and it would have been nothing to re-word them) that were specifically phrased in such a way as to signal Ligotti admirers. Which, of course, you got." Bullshit.

She's taught us all the true meaning of va-voom. Can we even put a price tag on that?

Alright fine—name your rate, Ms. Hendricks. No actual office work required; just grace us with your, ahem, presence…

Yeah, I'd be far more inclined to give Pizzolatto the benefit of the doubt were it not for his omitting Ligotti as an influence before repeated questioning. To me that smells like an omission rooted in guilt and fear that he'd "recycled ideas" too closely. For him to then tell the Wall Street Journal reporter that

You're both right. Geographically, Ride with the Devil is set in the border counties around Kansas City. But the bushwhackers were not only Southern in their sympathies, but the fertile land NW of Kansas City along the Missouri river had so many plantations, it was known as "Little Dixie"…

Eh, it's a plausible minority opinion. While I'd readily concede Dark Knight is the best film thus far, Bale can't help but seem like an arrogant prick compared to Keaton, plus Batman Returns is so re-watchable and easily the best of the pre-Nolan entries. DeVito and Pfeiffer will be as hard if not harder to top than

First I'm gonna take a Serrano in that Duchamp…

I second his questioning of your sexuality — what are you, afraid of e coli or something?

Yeah right, like we're gonna visit a PBS website to see whatever forgery those pinkos crafted. Not fallin' for that one again O'Neal.

Yeah O'Neal, and how would you characterize the stool? Firm? Aggressive? Presumptuous? These are the details I expect in my yellow and brown journalism.

Some of us are dairy men; some of us are cocoa men…

It's more of an all-you-can-eat sexual buffet with anal for dessert…

Finally, the perfect background music for watching my vast German Scheiße film collection. Ausgezeichnet!

Something I just noticed about the photo up top— doesn't that head between Bruce and Willie Nelson look Photoshopped in?
Who is that?

Plus Cyndi's nasal two-syllable "CHAY-YANGE!"

I'll admit it does give me a tickle to hear the Boss belt his parts in his most affected, guttural gravelly voice. If he was on board, I'm sold.

So am I the only one who assumed this flick was about Big Tobacco?

Eh, the Unitarians are okay—but as humanists without a theology or creed they're less a religion than a herd of cats, more united in liberal politics and social justice efforts than spiritual leanings.

Alas, in what I can assure you was an unforeseeable and unpreventable mishap, my toddler took a giant dump on it…

This gets into the whole question of whether to love an artist's output while despising his/her beliefs. I don't think of such compartmentalized appreciation as ethically tenable, so I no longer listen to Beck or buy Hitler's paintings. But, I still like and support the Mormon (though socially liberal) band Low, and