
Killing off the only practicing Jew? Did Disney recently purchase the Simpsons?

On the upside, it sounds like a flunkie's euphemism for banging his English teacher…

Well my great great granpappy didn't just die at the Battle of Dawson's Crick; he rode his half-lame horse Fuckbucket through Yankee picket lines with the stool-laden commode pot of none other than General Peter Thomas Feces Beauregard! And upon depositin' that stool in a crystal clear eddy befittin' a general's

♫ ….And I don't want to smell what his father,
And his father, and his father shit,
I want it cleaned up noooow…

You're right; it's not for you. It's more of a Shelbyville idea…

A more realistic plan: just put a new sign next to it.

Oh Sean, you had me at "shit"…

Blanche, you and my mother are such fucking sluts…

Maybe for Meatloaf it's penis-in-vagina, since koodies 'n' shit…

The A.V. Club

That's it, PenIs — the easiest way to get out of being dragged to see this and any future Braff films is to tell your wife that you just described sex with her in online forum as "Eh, you know…"

Just so we're clear, THAT = anal, right? I've always assumed this was Meatloaf's anti-pegging anthem.

Yes, I assume that firehose of bullshit must be incredibly attractive if you put up with this kind of thing just for a fuck. In which case good for you…

On the bright side, if you ever file for divorce, "differences re: Braff" should suffice as official explanation.

I could never choose, so I play their records simultaneously and call it "Bealvis"…

Have you heard of Deaf Leopard? I hear they've really come into their own, commercially and artistically.

Save your breath; not even his girlfriend's recent suicide could slow down that strutting whore.

Oh yeah, that's right, the Irish one climbed aboard the wagon… like a whole different person sober, except still a total asshole.

But I love it when he morphs into a Privilegosuarus.

Or the pink ranger should just morph into a giant mechanical camel toe.