
You forgot the green ranger played by a drunken Irishman, who has similar alpha male strength, hot temper, and unquenchable thirst as the red ranger, but for some reason they hate each other…

I always figured the lyrics were a joke, deliberately obtuse substitutes for anything thoughtful — amusing to learn there was actually some social/class critique hiding in there. But still, it was a breakthrough hit for being a crunchy nihilistic grunge anthem, and I just don't get why Bayer ever took the words

The Waltons will of course be unscathed; the real question is whether the flagrantly inhumane practice of pre-shift driver "commutes" over hundreds of miles will be stamped out. Walmart is known to treat workers like shit in whatever ways it can get away with, but this sinks to the level of abject third-world or

Well, last I checked there were appoximately seventeen surviving Democrats (voters, not candidates) huddled together around a trash can fire in Lawrence, and yes, Republican incumbents saying "Whatever Obama's for, I'm against!" generally suffices.

Untrue — ridiculous Kansas campaigns usually feature shamelessly repetitive incumbents.

Jon Hamm for President in 2020.

Especially after all that Swift Boat shit, any Republican with honor should have abstained from voting. Even if you thought Kerry's policies would be worse for the nation, voting for Bush in '04 was doing the bidding of absolute scum. And it was a delight explaining this to my stolidly Republican in-laws one night

Not to start a fight or nothin', but out here in the real 'Merica it's Buttfuck— we didn't fight a war against those limey bastards just to use their words for stuff. Out here a bum means a lazy person on disability.

But I mean, wouldn't ya rather (yuk yuk) have a beer with good ol' Dubya than that know-it-all turncoat Hanoi John Kerry? Plus, ya don't go changing horses mid-stream, and speakin' of streams, I reckon Danny boy should have heeded his own words of wisdom: "Don't taunt the alligator until after you've crossed the

I'd say this casting robbed the guy who played Coach Reilly in Mighty Ducks, but he's been dead almost a decade…

Damn, Cranston vs. McConaughey…yeah, I'd say Cranston since McConaughey just won the Oscar. And maybe that would compel McConaughey to reprise his character a few years down the road.

If you can get over the obvious pandering to red-state Nascar fans and small-town-nostalgic boomers, it's okay. But I despise it for those reasons, plus the inescapable merchandizing.

True to Greenpeace form, so pedantically bleeding-heart that it's tailor-made for right wing mockery. They could have just shown the ice floes shrinking/sinking, or make the sky progressively browner. The drowning in oil couldn't be any more heavy-handed.

I'd like to think he no longer ejaculates, but yes he probably does contain ample spunk as well as bile, phlegm, and the other humors.

Which is still less terrifying than Glenn Beck.

Yes, Pinnochio is at least cautionary, and his love of Dumbo could explain why the boy keeps taking nose dives off the couch with arms outstretched…but nevermind; overall I'd say the good folks at Walt Disney have earned our trust to provide wholesome kids' entertainment. Let's forget all these unhappy thoughts, have

Yeah, particularly un-PC in depicting minors drinking beer, which inspires Dumbo's pink elephant hallucinations and causes Pinocchio and his pal to turn into donkeys. My four year old loves the former but is terrified by the latter. But he enjoys his beer regardless.