
I've never seen Thorn Birds either, but I suspect its influence is overstated. I sensed Babylon's spirit as more generally satirizing epic period films of the 70's, esp. their directorial pretentions and excess, like Days of Heaven by Malick and Heaven's Gate by Cimino (which both hold up fairly well). That said, the

"At a certain point in my career as an artist I made a necessary decision to discontinue suffering fools…I had already been roughed up by the Hollywood game with my bestseller The Spoils of Alabama, a production presumably starring Tuesday Weld and Rod Steiger…

You're a naughty one, Saucy Jack!
You're a haughty one, Saucy Jack!
When the streetlamp gaslight flickers and fails
Then you see the last light glinting off the entrails!

Pointing out that the Democrats are center-right by our own historical standards and those of many other countries, and how far we've drifted right in my lifetime…is most often too dispiriting a train of thought. I think Bill Maher has summed it up best:

Tell that to Mississippi's state flag…
But be careful—it may spit a mouthful of Skoal juice at you.

Fellow children of Christ, when the hot clenched fist of federal overreach forces itself into our most private sanctums of religious freedom, often lubricated with that devilish liberal slime, political correctness, a toxic froth is created. Hard to know what to even call it…but in any case we Christians are no

Well, I'm a nymphomanic working at Hobby Lobby and the IUD was my favorite form of contraceptive…so not such a great news day over here in the scrapbooking aisle.

Yes, and I would further posit that:
1. Most spoilers (at least around here) are disclaimed or else unintentional, and written in order for readers to specifically consider/discuss the (usually necessarily) spoiled element.
2. Wanting to avoid non-trailer/teaser clips, pics and of course plot twists is understandable,

Now, now. Can't we just admit that all our mothers are whores? And I thought Alex was pretty mild given his established spectrum of priggishness. He really restrained himself admirably with that "Good for you, Ari!," which sounded perfectly half-hearted and dismissive, when he could have just as easily quipped, "You

“In 1891 this European said, ‘Perhaps my factories will put an end to war sooner than your congresses.'"

Oh dear. "Monsters?" "Pipes?" Not the preferred Mario nomenclature.

"I think it's time to have him put down."

Can anyone tell share a link to what actually transpired and was said? Modell is obviously pretty green at this to not include one…

Its heart was in its balls.
Its pendulous, wrinkly, pie-filling smeared balls.

I guess you could could see Oldman's sentiments as motivated more by a clumsy sort of empathy for a fellow addict than reflecting a willful obtuseness about verbal bigotry, but the latter still deserves criticism and the former seems misguided and far too forgiving. Many have pointed out above that Gibson's pattern of

I'm honestly not trying to judge him so much as form an educated guess as to where the hell all that bigotry comes from. Yeah, we've all said horrible things (drunk or sober), but I still can't see how theories of racial treachery and/or inferiority just spontaneously coalesce in the mouth of a drunk. I think the best

Sure, they're "recovering" and prone to "dry drunk" compulsive habits, but I was asking if you'd heard that he'd more recently fallen off the wagon…so let's assume he hasn't, but his seeming irritability and bitter apologism about an alcoholic colleague suggests that he has retained some of that pre-recovery

Also, I'd posit that those who "clam up" are likely nervous about being dis-inhibited…But what I'm really asking for is your theory explaining how Gibson doesn't actually harbor any hateful beliefs — do you honestly think his words were purely improvised without any internal historical reference? Or was he borrowing

Yes, heavy drinking obviously evokes different temperaments in different people. I just don't think ranting against a minority group is something that spontaneously originates without those seeds being previously planted (if perhaps not fully embraced), unless, like I said above, it's an ill-timed satirical impression.

Care to explain your alternate theory? Need I remind you, you're up against the cookie monster…