
I like how you wrote "we/our shoulders" and singular "boom box"—I'm picturing one the size of a refrigerator carried by oiled eunuchs…or maybe it should just be an actual refrigerator with a dwarf sitting inside beating a bass drum…Now that's what I call a boom box.

Fuck cats

Thanks—fixed it.

I do recall hearing that most c-sections happen around dinner time shift changes — the doctor gives the baby the day to emerge or else resorts to the knife around 5 to be headed home by 6…another contributor that doctors and nurses downplay is the reality of chemical interventions affecting the baby— if a mother's a

I obviously don't know you but am nonetheless sorry to hear that you've lost your dad—my condolences.

I like plenty of PBS content and support its mission, but Hoffman's words held so much reflective truth that the addition of manic animation and This-American-Life-esque background music could hardly seem more superfluous. I mean, aren't we mature enough to savor his words unadorned; do we have to package every last

Crikey mate, let’s not get our down unders in a twist and start calling opinions moronic or insane just because they don't match up. I admittedly didn't realize this is a term of endearment in your country. But likewise you should be able to grasp that up here it’s commonly considered more rancorous than most curses—

Not saying it isn't enjoyably piquant to say; it's just also one of the most vile. My kids are far too young to know any swear words, but when they're teenagers, I'd much rather hear shit and fuck before çunt. You may find it insane to ascribe misogyny, but can you name slang for the penis that sounds so putrid and

Your step-dad…wasn't literally a motherfucker?

" cocksucker always seemed like it was a slur against a woman, especially long time ago, and to call a man that means you're saying you're as bad as a woman who sucks cock."

I agree in doubting he would apologize, but "cocksucker" is still insulting to straight women and gay men who supposedly enjoy performing felatio (1/3 of population?), suggesting that such a proclivity both defines them and degrades them as human beings. He’s already halfway there by saying “suck my dick,” which is

Would he have apologized this much for "cocksucker"? A less common and hurtful slur, but still demeaning to happy practitioners of the craft everywhere…

Alas, Bill's famous decree didn't narrow the definition of sex so much as use "relations" (granny-speak for intercourse) as an equivocation. But he did out himself as a sodomite, since both oral and anal acts are historically classified as sodomy…

This begs the question, would he have launched the same apology tour for saying "cocksucker"? It's a less common and arguably less hurtful term, but it still shames all respectably happy practitioners of felatio, male and female…

Yep, road rage never fails to bring out your inner bigot, though Crash sucked at illustrating it…

"That scene goes along with his standup bit where some girls want u to rape them…as someone that has dealt with women like that."

I think feeling betrayed is part of the point; then you can rewind and better acknowledge that the scene with Amia was nearly as coercive; it’s just that she surrendered. I hear you about it being seeming somewhat out of character for Louie, but I’m actually glad C.K. went down this road after the scene with Amia,

Plus, Thornton once worked in a nursing home and observed some of those mannerisms. Check out his discussion of creating the character in this hilariously dated excerpt from Inside the Actor's Studio: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Sling Blade does not belong on this list; sure, Karl can amuse with his clinched growl and limited vocabulary, but I'd argue that there's nothing generic, condescending, or caricature-ish about him. The mannerisms might seem more affected to some, but it never took me out of the film, which I found both believable and