
I feel special right now, Carla!!

Like Nell, Karl seems stunted mainly from neglect and abuse rather than a genetic or neurological disorder. Plus, his expert lawnmower-fixing skill might suggest a form of autism.

Even without a clear chromosomal or neurological deformity at birth, her ingrained behaviors and limitations stemming from a neglectful upbringing can be considered a lasting impairment. A brain scan would probably show the physiological effects of such cumulative stunting.

Miss Gorightry!!!

Clearly misunderstood instructions to "just wail on this guitar!"

Being downwind of that beast, I'd go with "brainwashed and/or bribed" before "ripped apart and consumed." Their success lies in how relatively inconspicuous they are.

Based on the above description, I'm just worried that the devourin'-to-toutin' & floutin' ratio may be smaller than past films. But so long as a significant fraction of the 20,000 rich visitors get devoured, and it doesn't in fact seem like a desirable destination as Trevorrow suggests, I guess I'd be interested. A

Unless there's a serious quantity of Goldblum involved, I'll probably pass on watching tourists behave like narcissistic dipshits as capitalists flout fate while touting abominable uses of technology. We experience a less dazzling/exotic version of that every day, no?

Introducing the Holyfuckasaurus, a T-rex with two heads and three spindly worthless forearms! Just one set of dino privates, though, in case you perverts were wondering…

And for more on the Hollywood liberals out to destroy America, here's our newest segment, Outspoken Token, with Ms. Stacey Dash. Give us that flavor, Ms. Dash!

[Strawberry sheds tear]

Hynpotist: You are all very good players…
Team: [entranced] We are all very good players…
Hypnotist: You will beat Shelbyville…
Team: We will beat Shelbyville…
Hypnotist: You will give one hundred and ten percent…
Team: That's impossible. No one can give more than one hundred percent. By definition that is

My fantasy would be that a bunch of Black Panthers gain access to Fox News studios, and as Doocy announces her passing with feigned solemnity, they descend to beat the living shit out of the cast and crew, stuffing the former in three rusty human-sized bird cages.

That poem is such a beauty I felt compelled to post in full:

A master of life as well as words, an incomparable human voice and spirit.
R.I.P. Ms. Angelou

That's why I think Low does a better Open Arms:

He kind of made Motherfucker sound like a shrill whiny joke. I suspect that tune only really works with Everett's baritone mutter.

Great Exclamation, methinks you should do some reading about the correlative and arguably causative relationship between sexual frustration and young men committing mass slaughter. As a starting point, see #4.

I'd suggest a t-shirt with an arrow pointing downward, and an explanation such as: "Dear sweet madam, in exchange for my chivalry and charm, I'd appreciate a bit of your manual dexterity."

Agreed, and the idea that it would be afforded space for amateur dissection on Rap Genius is idiotic. If they want to better understand, people would be much better off reading about varieties of narcissistic disorders. Here's a good thesis I found a couple years ago called "The Rumpelstiltskin Suicide":