Koffee Guy

She gets to go back to her job at Wilshire that she won on another reality show (Chef Hunter).

I was frustrated with the judgement at first, but came around the realization that if the judges were served the venison in a restaurant they most likely would have sent it back, whereas the other dishes had problems but weren't really fatal flaws.

At the same time it seemed all Grayson did was sit around and say "I hope he doesn't screw this up" rather then getting in there and casting some vision.

Bring on Kelly Hogan!

I'm going to assume there's a joke on the cutting room floor that explains what the heck Ron Swanson was doing in Macys?

Did Whitney even put anything in the tube on that challenge?

I stand corrected on my misuse of "levity". My English degree fails again.

Until yesterday, when I sat down to watch these 2 episodes, I'd never seen Scrubs beyond maybe a couple minutes of one or two episodes. I came in with very low expectations, though I'm not sure exactly where I got them - it's one of those shows that's always been on the periphery of my radar, but I never really looked

I was debating whether Gibbs had a decent life insurance policy, or if he would have considered that gambling? If he did, then Flora was clearly the winner in this episode - getting free of him, and winning a large sum of money.

This season has way too many side characters getting too much screen time. I'll hold out hope for some amazing denouement that expertly ties them all together, but in the meantime I'm getting a little annoyed with the time being given to Chicago cop, Batista sister, and Masuka intern of the week.

For those trying to argue that Dexter's brother is back for real and not just a figment of Dexter's psyche, based on something to do with the prosthetic hand and E-Bay - I think that whole plot line was clearly just a "remember who the Ice Truck Killer is" set-up so people would remember him when Dexter resurrects him

Can't believe no one has mentioned the return of Trinity (or at least his son) from next week's preview. That preview left three words in my mind - Jumping - the - shark.

It's a documentary - that's like a real TV show, except with ugly people.

I'm guessing other teams would have had to work together to carry passengers to shore, taking twice as long as Marcus and Amani to complete the task. I think it definitely would have made for some good comedy.

In general, Christians don't feel the need to call pretty girls temptresses and remove them from their presence. My comment is based on the idea that Brandon is a particularly intolerant case - not an indictment of Christians in general (of which I count myself one).

Just wait until Brandon realizes Cochrane is Jewish.

I'm pretty sure it was in Africa where there was a particularly hostile young players vs old players thing going on in a tribe.

I read somewhere that this season they would not be stacking people on RI.

I was so ready to open this review and see a big fat D, or at least a C-. Other than Tyler's elimination, this episode was terrible and seemed like something that might make a half-interesting DVD extra, not a first episode of Top Chef. I was ready for some good old fashioned Top Chef, not a confusing, terribly paced,

I just kept coming back to Just Desserts for that promo where Johnny is fake typing at a keyboard and flashing a thoroughly fake grin. It's only been a week and I already miss that.