Koffee Guy

What's the Manic Pixie Dream Girl equivalent term for "Magically Perfect Child of Single Parent"? I'm pretty sure the people who write these shows have never had children.

What's the Manic Pixie Dream Girl equivalent term for "Magically Perfect Child of Single Parent"? I'm pretty sure the people who write these shows have never had children.

Belongs in the classroom of a lazy Sunday School teacher? I'm listening….

Belongs in the classroom of a lazy Sunday School teacher? I'm listening….

Thanks for noting The Naked Prey. I had assumed Peggy went to the movie that Abe wanted them to see together…didn't realize it was two different films.

What's with all the black leather jackets in Storybrooke?

No, Tossin is referring to the previous episode. Though Jane Espenson did tweet that the girl in the Fairyback was the same one that was taken away to the Ogre Wars in an earlier episode.

Yeah, the nun thing struck me too, but I can't say I've given much thought to the overall theology of the show.

Awhile after I wrote that I thought about it and realized that you had actually watched the episode, which makes you not a troll. I retract my troll statement and humbly apologize - you're officially downgraded to a "grump".

So that's not appropriate behavior?

This may be my proudest day - a tweet of mine has been plagiarized in an AV Club article!

Actually, I'm pretty sure that is how the grading works. Each week Community gets viewed, reviewed, and graded first, and this "standard" is shared with all TV Club writers for them to grade their shows against.

I don't know that I would say the show as a whole deserves an award in that company, but Cheryl Hines is pretty darn great week in and week out and could certainly stand among the nominees.

I hate to agree with a troll, but I definitely thought the gigantic glasses wearing nerd was pretty lazy writing (or costuming or directing or however he ended up looking like a giant anachronism).

I kept being surprised at how much I was enjoying this episode and how they kept hitting the perfect notes. Glad to see it got an A, and glad to see I'm not the only one who's been thinking Emmy for Cheryl Hines.

I was wondering what the producers were expecting/hoping would happen at the unsupervised reward challenge? It was weird to have it on their beach and it was so boring and uneventful that it seems to me they must have expected some dynamic to emerge that never did?

I was wishing he would just take them off so they'd be blurring that area out completely, which would be much easier to watch.

My attorney e-mailed me at 9:20pm last night, causing me to imagine her husband sitting in her office drinking champagne while he waited for her to finish working.

The big reveal at the end of this season is that they will find Rosie Larsen's killer at the end of the River, but it turns out [insert name of character they're really looking for here]] was last seen on a different river.

Just as Prison Break discovered that there is more than one prison in the world that can be broken out of, I reckon this show could discover that there is more than one river in the world.