Koffee Guy

I have a hard time telling when they're transitioning from Cochrane
actually talking to other people on his tribe to Cochrane doing his one
on one reflections with the camera. Everything he says is self aware

I didn't think they were going to "bring back Matt", I kind of just half expect him to just be on Redemption Island, like he's part of the set that got moved there from the last season.

Ozzy is nowhere near as savvy as Rob. Though I expect him to begin with the same strategy - an alliance of fawning women - I don't think he can mastermind his way to the end. If he gets there it will be on the stupidity of everyone else.

I'm guessing she writes a ton of poetry while on RI. Hopefully she puts one in her back pocket for when she finally gets booted.

I definitely remembered that European Vacation was PG-13 as it was the first PG-13 movie I saw in the theater in defiance of my mother's rules. I've never seen it since (except a few minutes here and there on TV) and remember exactly two things about it - one of the Monty Python guys as the bicyclist who keeps getting

I don't totally agree that MTV destroyed them - "I Can't Fight This Feeling" was huge for them, and this video made a lasting impression on me (though I couldn't remember the name or how the song went for the life of me) http://www.youtube.com/watc…

Yes, I agree that Veronica has been significantly hurt in the past - but from this one episode (and I haven't seen any other episodes, and I'm not making a snap judgement and saying that I believe the whole rest of the show will never change and will always be this way…I'm just talking about pilot episode impressions

No Real Peril
I'm also watching for the first time. Watching the pilot made me really think about what cues I look for in a pilot to tell me what kind of show I'm watching. I struggled to place Veronica's character - I thought I had her angsty outsider teen down right from the bat, but she kind of kept foiling it.

I Find This Whole Series
to be an enjoyable read, whether I'm familiar with the episodes or not…and strangely, though I watched Family Ties almost weekly, I don't remember this episode.

Glad To Hear It
I still remember where I was the first time I heard "Outfit" and instantly became a DBT fan. I skipped the last solo album but am now looking forward to hearing this one.

The Billy Joel Effect
As a member of the schlubby guys who've landed hot wives club, I was happy to see Geoffrey Arends (who I only recognized as the impressionist from Undeclared) is married to Christina Hendricks. Does he need to get a word in - he's already the luckiest guy in the room.

I was commenting to my wife that I would definitely tune in if they did a reality show following them on the vacations they've won.

Redemption Island next phase?
Even though they made it clear in next week's preview that the duel winner will return to the game, I'm willing to bet we're not done with Redemption Island (It is Survivor:Redemption Island after all, rather than Survivor: Non De-script Tropical Beach Location That looks the Same as

In the misspelling players' defense, they don't have their tribemates' names and occupations flashed at them every time they speak.

Both teams have former NFL players…though one is considerably older.

I thought it was a great moment, my wife was upset about the littering.

I'm guessing Matt has the fan favorite vote wrapped up about now. I agree though that Philip needs to stay around as long as possible. He brings a new depth of meaning to the phrase "the man you love to hate".

I thought Jeff's handling of the "cohesive" comment was a great example of Jeff's brilliance (at this particular job) and professionalism.

How many seasons have you watched finn? I don't think Sarita even comes close to top 20 most annoying and irredeemable [ladies] this show has ever seen.

The most fun thing about seeing Matt lose to Krista would be the potential for a Krista and Stephanie duel in a coming episode. So far we haven't seen any allies have to go head to head on Redemption Island.