Koffee Guy

Tonight was the first time I regretted our recent upgrade to HD.

My English degree demands that I correct myself (what else is an English degree good for?) - they weren't actually double entendres, as that would require some sort of play on words and at least a tiny bit of creativity - they were just slightly veiled references.

We pulled the plug on ICarly for my 7 year old after an episode with not one, but two animals-having-sex double entendres. It's not that my daughter gets them, or that its so offensive or shocking even if she did - its just so unnecessary and lazy. I'm sure I"ll spend enough time trying to explain why that kind of

Is this a re-release?
I (legally) downloaded this album off emusic sometime last summer or fall. Is it just now getting a wider release or something?

California Gurls
Already deleted this one off the Tivo so I can't double check, but I could have sworn the song they were playing was Party in the USA, not California Gurls, but I do have a tendency to get songs I don't give a rip about mixed up.

Reminds me of
Prison Break. The con man just reminds me of Michael Scofield - so clever he can get himself out of any jam. I'd watch it again (and will), but I certainly don't agree with the AV Club reviewer that it was the best pilot since Friday Night Lights, and there won't be a empty place in my heart if it gets

The local elementary school here has a bilingual education program called the TWI program. Before I saw how it was actually spelled I always envisioned 1st graders sitting around listening to Belle & Sebastian.

I was born in '74 and was thinking the other day how in the 80's I thought of the 60's and 70's as distant eras, ancient history, but how for me now the 80's and 90's seem like the recent past.

Lexicon - you would have secretly been my favorite student. I'll take a class full of kids vehemently trying to disprove me over a class of students who never think for themselves. (And I do teach confirmation, though I didn't realize kids get money for it???)

I guess your view of what I do would depend on your definition of "push". I prefer to help students "explore" what our church believes in a respectful and intellectual manner. I'm not of the "you better believe this or you're going to hell" variety, or even of the "if you don't believe what I believe you're an idiot"

…because I must be a close minded intolerant idiot.

Opposite Problem
As a youth pastor that's been working with jr. high and high schoolers for 15 years now, I long ago gave up making any pop culture references that are more than a few weeks old. It does break my heart that I can no longer use my talent for relating anything in life to a Simpsons or Brady Bunch

My six year old has been talking about Lady Gaga and singing Bad Romance, much to my annoyance. Even worse is that having never heard the song (or any song by Lady Gaga), I don't even know if she's actually singing the song or just making something up. I also don't know where she got it from - must be her mother.

Darn It (and firsties!)
Man - my question has never been answered and now didn't even make the "bad question" list. I'm doubly ignored.

They're saying my plan will change to 37 tracks for $14.99 a month (from a grandfathered 65 for $14.99). So I'm going to be paying $3 a month for 7 more tracks than those paying $11.99?

On the website announcement they also specify A Tribe Called Quest, Pearl jam, Alicia Keys, Dixie Chicks, Foo Fighters, Kings of Leon, Michael Jackson (!), Miles Davis, Modest Mouse, Outkast, Simon & Garnfukel, The Byrds, Wu-Tang Clan, and Yo Yo Ma.

Since I'm at the grandfathered 65 for $15 plan, this is pretty painful for me. But it's still 1/2 0r less than 1/2 the price of ITunes downloads and you can download them as many times as you want. That's what has kept me holding onto this subscription all these years - ongoing access to the downloads. So, while it

Anyone remember those old "Plow King" commercials with that yellow guy with four fingers?