finnegans wake and bake

i'm pretty sure AV Club is legally obligated to write something effusive about Wye Oak every 3 months or so

it's actually amazing how wrong you are


wow Tobin Sprout is turning into James Taylor right before my eyes

hahaha oh man I love me some Blake, especially for the fact that in real life he drunkenly jumped off of his roof and broke his back on a ping-pong table. that's some Keith Moon level partying

also they weren't responsible for the punch getting spiked…one of the women poured the molly water in, not knowing what it was

also I want to note that I don't think there's another show on TV that has supporting characters as perfect as Workaholics. I find Adam incredibly annoying and one-note, but holy shit do Jillian, Bill, Jet Set (R.I.P.), Alice, and especially Karl and Montez make up for that

didn't really get "mean-spirited" or "dickish" vibes from the guys when they were executing their plan at all…

well said. and you're right, I didn't read as critically as I could or should have before making that statement about him writing only about himself, so I do take that back

I hear you, and I get that at a certain point all art criticism becomes an issue of subjectivity, but wouldn't you agree that some albums or movies are widely and justly accepted as BETTER than others? also, critics are tasked with trying to explain the subtleties of what makes a show "good" (writing, acting, editing,

(I Get Off) With a Little Help from My Friends

ok…now it seems pretty undeniable that Todd loves this show for intensely personal reasons, which is fine, but I just think it makes it that much harder to assess the actual quality of the show, nuts and bolts wise. the grades this show has gotten this season seem highly inflated, to say the least. the scene with

an A, written in fancy calligraphy

that was absolutely stunning…i didn't know community could still reach such great heights. the world just feels right again

The guy in the first letter doesn't know it's possible to be a Mother/Lover? He needs to watch more SNL

"That's the hoof! It's the best part! Think of it as marrow covered in a giant toenail!"

most would agree with your sentiment, but i think Pleased to Meet Me is the perfect blend of snotty, brash Westerberg and mature, wistful Westerberg. and the songs are incredibly strong from start to finish, unlike Let it Be, which has multiple total throwaways, even though it has their absolute best songs. Tim also

I totally respect Buzz, and this was a hilarious article, but Pleased to Meet Me is one of the 10 greatest records of the 80s

damn, when did Ian MacKaye join this band?

i mean yeah, the rest of the song is kind of a piece of shit, but i don't see how a human being can NOT love that solo. i literally sing along to the whole thing making "wheedlee wheedlee woooo" sounds until the person nearest to me punches me in the face