Reverend Bastard

"My knob tastes funny!"

Where was the African child from? What were the conditions the child was living under? I need more information before I can condemn a campaign that might be inviting students to help severely disadvantaged children in other countries.

You just pull your legs up like a hurdler. Nothing odd about that at all.

Maybe. Although at the minute the colonial Islamic and Arabic Sudanese
pogroms and genocide of the black Sudanese is probably the thing you should be more concerned with. Maybe the mass rape and slavery too if you can find the time to swot up on it.

Hmm, purity and helplessness? Are you sure you're not thinking of the FF7 Compilation?

Also that part where they talk about the ways they're going to mutilate Don Corneo's genitals. And Mukki. And Jenova's half-hanging nipple.

The world was so full of character that I loved just exploring it and I didn't really crave agency. Every location was beautifully designed and it has that magical soundtrack that helped ensure the games peculiar details are etched onto my brain.

Yeah, that was the most emotional point for me. Watching Celes on the cliff really hits hard.

Well, it's not really nostalgia to say we haven't progressed. I'm not saying things were always better.

Nah, I think you're being a bit precious about all this. The reason AAA games are getting shit for being bland, identikit, intellectually lazy pieces of work is because that is what they are. When developers are copying and pasting a job for hundreds of millions of pounds, then you have to wonder what kind of creative

"The Scottish group says it didn’t wish “to start a cheap fight,” but
felt it was “essentially, very much literally, being silenced; being
bought out.”"

They look like thick fuckers as well.

The need for…the bus that couldn't slow down?

Sermon for the day:

Russell's long overdue a second (third?) backlash. I'm willing to instigate it and then take it too far!

A rapist and a pair of tits walk into a bar…

What a bunch of hacks.

I love that story. Don't seek fruits from the tree of knowledge and just obey your superior.

This is America's anal prolapse.

Yay! He's ruining his life!