Reverend Bastard


"But every religion says there's a soul, Bart. Why would they lie? What would they have to gain?"

Mmm. Sounds good.

That's what happens when nerds get power. Just look at the tech industry.

Ah Taken, the creepy fantasy of authoritarian dads the world over.

Ah, it was no "fucker" in-particular. It's when some bog standard enemy jumps and then, whilst he's in mid-air, you roll completely out of the way, or so you think. Because he has in the meantime used his anus as a jetpack to change his angular momentum entirely and land a hit.

I quit the bloody thing about the tenth time I was killed by some fucker who managed to change direction mid-air and strike me down. I don't like having to adhere to a parry and counter style when the other methods of combat (such as dodging) are broken in this way. Maybe one more go…

People actually like ads? Surely they're only a hideous inconvenience to endure?

What kind of pimp is Ice Cube exactly?
A kind of cartoonish man with colourful clothes and a mean looking staff? Or the kind psychotic and manipulative abuser of women who is involved in vicious assault, rape and sex trafficking? Or perhaps a wacky mix of the two?

Corned Beef?

"I am the dreadful menace.

Christ! This is sounding terrible already. I didn't expect much, but raking over the corpses of the original trilogy again?

I guess what he's trying to say is, "if I can paint, and you can paint, everybody can paint!

"Don't make me axe you again, give me your lunch money!"

Stupid Bruce. You're rich and I bet many interesting projects would like your name attached to them; with colourful non-exploding characters for you to inhabit.



RIP Michael Ansara.

This wouldn't be the first time the bad racism has infected some twats in a place:

It would of been redundant.