Lt. Slothrop

Oh. Then what's the controversy? With the right cheese, that's a good choice.

One could even call that burn… "wicked."

Guys, why are we bothering to punch down Pennsylvania when there's New Jersey to kick around?

She's dead to me.

I'll argue that disco simply evolved, Zima lost out to Smirnoff Ice (though I never write off a comeback), and we're due a variety show comeback any day now.

For an antidote, I suggest Hobo With a Shotgun.

Let the Iron Fisting begin!

Always remember: Bowie said no.

"He was the best doormat I ever had." — Sean Hannity

Nothing ever truly dies in pop culture.

Aw… They left an empty spot on the table in memory of John Hurt! #RIP

Here’s what’s coming to (and leaving from) HBO Go/Now in March: a lot of shitty movies.

Ginger prejudice is real—she needs to find Catherine Tate's safe house.

Who will win? Me, by spending Oscar night binging on last season's Archer. It's on Netflix, right?

No, they only care about power and will say and do anything to get it. Except apparently that "pedophilia is OK"—glad we know where the line is now. Thanks, Milo!

Only mouthbreathers would find "NOT!" jokes funny or relevant in 2017.

Oh, I know at least three personally…


Where's Vin? This isn't The Fate of the Furious?