Lt. Slothrop

God Bless You, Sean O'Neal. I wish you had written the AVClub review. Too many critics are letting their emotional reactions overshadow their critical analysis.

Do you think the Nuge really has any liberal fans? Something tells me cock-rock isn't their preferred genre.


"some of his strongest work since the days of The Village and Signs"

For once, it's true: Great job, Internet.

#1 Threat to America.

OH—I apologize. I was just reading in the notifications, not the discussion. I blame Disqus… As always.

Intriguing. I shall give it "a listen" as the kids say.

Oh man, y'all should watch Vampire's Kiss before it leaves if you want some pure unfiltered Nic Cage mania.

"The Only Way Is Essex: Complete Season 17"

"with Baio now enjoying a surge back into relevancy, the media is now obligated to pay attention to his stupid opinions on shit."

Wait… Weatherbox the band or the song by Mission of Burma? I guess either one is all right.


It's like he should go by the name… Ser Strong.

Who are you gaucho amigos?

Oh… I was expecting pictures of hairy, smelly colorists hopped on Adderall attempting to meet an unrealistic deadline.

This needs far more upvotes.

You'll always be my whore.

Maybe it's my age talking, but the Old Pornographers were just more classy. What's with all the shaving these days?