Lt. Slothrop

Hey! Soma them aren't bad.

No Kim Coletta from Jawbox? BOO!

They *want* you to grab them by the…

Not on purpose… Usually.

Gotta disagree… Trump is worthy of one of the Bard's scathing history plays (not Richard III, because that would give him too much credit; King John, maybe).

Or Blow Out. That John Travolta is a ladies' man.

Honestly, I think he's so lacking in self-awareness to know everyone around him is just using him… Or if he knows, he doesn't care and thinks that's just how humans are. (Because everyone is a sociopath just like him.)

Old man yells in harsh, nasally tones at cloud. (Guitar solo.)

1% robots are the worst. They make paranoid androids look good.

Teti suggested a few weeks ago that raccoons could do a much better version of the theme song. I believe this to be true.

Even if they were coming to my town, I'd lose out on tickets to the robots. Damn Radiohead's robot fanbase!

"It, er, didn't come up." I see what you did there.

Is it weird that I didn't realize they had switched singers? I just thought, "Man, Faith Hill looks very good for her age."

That is quite random, and quite awesome. Does he refer to his business stick as Little Riff Raff?

Oh, I thought that trend died out pretty quickly. The (primarily white) hipster embrace was puzzling at best.

The British have a way of making the vulgar sound very cute. For example, their cuisine.

I thought he named the monster Cheech, and they were going to have many inebriated adventures hot-boxing the truck…

I was thinking about seeing this on SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY.

Girls have a very different reaction when I say I have a monster under my hood.